Html5 applications

Html5 applications

Click to install the following html5 apps:
Huge markdown file viewer
Huge markdeep file viewer (markdown, latex, diagram,graphviz etc.)
plyr video player
dplayer video player
pdf viewer
epub reader (author:llili)
djvu viewer

The corresponding menu can be installed with url services.


The following mentioned subfolders locate in the configuration folder.

Click to configure default.filecap to open local files, and to open remote files with the option "custom file handling":
use pdf.js,djvu.js,epub.js, huge markdown viewer for local files

url examples are as follows:

Ex. "#offset=10000&500" will retrieve 500 bytes from offset 10000. Click the right arrow button to next page in all above file viewers.

Configure html5 app subfolder "app" (optional)

By default, the subfolder "app" is created by clicking to install any of above html5 applications.

To make file management easier, users can symbolic link the subfolder "app" to any other locations as long as it is readable.

One way to configure "app" subfolder is as follows:

mdict dictionary lookup search engine:


The dictionary files (mdx, mdd) must locate in the "app" subfolder under the configuration folder. In above example, the files "xxx.mdx" and "xxx.mdd" locate in the folder ".../app/mdict".

Clip to paste commands to the address bar, the commands scan mdx/mdd files under app/mdict and add search engines to home screen.

After pasting the command to the address bar, press home screen button, then press "enter" on the address bar to execute the command.