Ebrowser: keyboard-friendly minimal suckless web browser

Ebrowser is designed with the philosophy of Android uweb browser (gitlab).

Note: Usually electron apps are heavyweight as they use browsers for simple things. Ebrowser uses core chromium effectively and very lightweight. Recommend to install electron separately.

Installing (for Windows, MacOS and Linux)

Install with prebuilt binaries

You can find prebuilt binaries here.

Install with nodejs installed
npm install electron
npm install ebrowser

Run ebrowser

electron ~/node_modules/ebrowser

Later on, you can run "npm install electron" to update electron/chromium or "npm install ebrowser" to update ebrowser independently.

Key shortcuts

Address bar commands

Commands in no-focus mode (this mode is similar to vi Normal mode)

Pressing "ESC" to enter no-focus mode if not sure.

The other commands are defined in "mapkeys.json", which will map keys to address bar commands.

Configuration files

New usages


You can copy or modify the code/program under the terms of the GPL3.0 or later versions.

Last Modified: 18 June 2024