Curl on uweb browser: unlimited power /en/tags/curl.html Recent content in Curl on uweb browser: unlimited power Hugo -- en Sat, 24 Sep 2022 14:05:13 +0800 Custom file handling /en/filecap.html Mon, 24 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000 /en/filecap.html Long press the settings button, check the option "custom file handling" to enable the functionality. The custom file handling configuration file is "default.filecap", each line of it has the format as follows: [file extension]:[mimetype]:[command line] The "[file extension]" part can have at most two-segment of extensions such as "txt.xz","html.gz". "[mimetype]" indicates the type of "[command line]" output. "[command line]" is same as the one in default.cmds. The most often used replacements are: