Configuration folders/files

All folders end with character "/" and others are files. If option "use in-app config" is checked, then "sitejs/" and "sitecache/" locate inside app internal folder (/data/data/info.torapp.uweb/files), otherwise all folders/files locate in "/sdcard/uweb":
"css/": global css folder
"js/": global script folder
"sitejs/": script folder for domains
"sitecss/":CSS folder for domains
"bookmarklet/":bookmarklets, long pressing the "JS" button to execute.
"offline/": to save offline pages
"sbookmark/": to save super bookmarks
"sitecache/":offline cache
"longclick/": menus to appear when long-pressing hypertext (js files)
"icon/":customized icons
"app[XXX]/":html5 applications
"default.longclick": to configure menus when long-pressing hypertext.
"default.uas":user agents
"default.urls":service urls
"default.acmd":configure address bar functionalities
"default.hosts":hosts not allowed to visit
"default.redirect":redirect websites
"default.rjs":Remote javascript
"":menus for selected text
"default.input": common phrases for user inputs
"default.gesture": to define gestures on the top part of the content window. The file format is same as
"default.gesture2": gestures on the right side similar to default.gesture.
"default.button": to re-define button pressing functionalities. The file format is same as, each line represents action from the last button to the first.
"default.button2": similar to default.button but for long-pressed buttons.
"default.filecap":custom file handling
"default.rc": check the option "custom file handling" to execute the shell script file during uweb launching. tcron provides extra cron tools.
"default.rc2": check the option "custom file handling" to execute the shell script file when uweb returns to foreground.
"": to define quick search engines (pressing right arrow button to use next engine to search). The file format is similar to but using "%s" as search keywords.
"default.siteconf": to save ua, js disabling, no-image mode, forbids 3rd-party resources (js and others), active scripts, global scripts for sites. Only save the difference to default ones.
"default.playrate": fullscreen playing menu. The file format is same as Playing ratio menu items should have empty link parts such as ".5x:", at least one such menu is required. All other menus must be put after playing ratio menus.
"default.autoc": address bar autocomplete candidate strings.
"query.autoc": home screen search autocomplete candidate strings.
"home5.html": user defined home screen. home6.html,, home7.html ... multiple home screen (pressing right arrow button to visit). ".html" files have priority over ".search" files. home4.html,, home3.html ... (long pressing left arrow button to access).
"":search engines
"home.css": home screen styles
"bookmark.html": bookmarks
"quickstart.html": quick start
"colors.txt": background colors
"default.css": default CSS style for domains not defined in sitejs folder
"night.css": Night mode
"bookmarklet/videoplayer.js": fullscreen video player
"types.sniff": file types for resource sniffer
"js.allow": 3rd-party resource white list. One domain per line.
"url.deny": one giant regular expression for blocked urls (java grammar). "#" to comment and carriage return (CR or new line) is ignored.
"sniff.log": resource sniffing result
"history.rec": visiting history
"query.rec": query history

"shortcut/": dynamical shortcut, if not exist, then default to "/sdcard/uweb/bookmark".