<p>Long pressing the following links then either "commands"->"<ahref="../urls/index.html">bookmark</a>" to add bookmarks or "open in new tab" to execute.<br>
<ahref="c:bc -l">GNU bc (basic calculator)</a><br>
<ahref="c:bc -l *.bc">bc with all extensions</a></p>
<p><ahref="i:0h/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.profile:https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/torappinfo/uweb/termux/profile">.profile</a> : only for kshell with naked termux (no initial packages, need the following fix for termux quick crash to be launched)</p>
<li>target device: install termux app, then run "apt install openssh" inside the termux.</li>
<li>source device: Send the "~/.ssh" folder with uweb browser to the network.</li>
<li>target device: Uweb to visit "file://data/data/com.termux/files/home/" to reach the folder, then receive the data sent by the above source device.</li>
<li>source device: Run "sshd".</li>
<li>target device: Run the command "scp -P 8022 -r [source ip]:.. .."</li>
<p>File system navigation:<br>
With <ahref="https://github.com/rupa/z">z.sh</a> and <ahref="https://github.com/shyiko/commacd">commacd</a>, user can reach any folder with few key stokes. Run "v" to launch uweb file manager on the current working directory, long click any file link to share.</p>