<description>Click the following links to install menus for long pressing the button &quot;link&quot;:
note.ms: cloud text sharing, please replace &quot;ric&quot; with your favorite ID
Copy selected text with html format to clipboard
Search with home screen
google Translate
bing translate
The file &quot;default.select&quot; defines text processing menus for selected text. If no text is selected, the menu item operates on the whole page. Each line of the file has the following format:</description>
<description>Click the following links to install menus popped by long pressing the bookmark button (with star as icon):
Capture long screenshot (need long screenshot mode)
Select All:CTRL-A/undo:CTRL-Z/Redo:CTRL-Y
Extend site cookies to 10 years
Clear site cookies
Switch configuration
Wait for network msg
Certificate info
Backup to box.com
Restore from box.com
upload to box.com
More webdav link menu items
Web fullscreen
Long pressing the bookmark button in uweb browser will popup menus defined in file &quot;default.</description>
<description>crontab (with enhanced semantics) For performance, the file &quot;crontab&quot; uses single space as field separator. Letters are not suppored currently. So use &quot;1&quot; for &quot;January&quot; and 2 for &quot;Tuesday&quot; etc.
The sixth field in crontab file could be in the format of internal links. Specifically, &quot;c:&quot; to execute the following commands in termux and &quot;!&quot; to execute commands directly. If the sixth field is not in any of above formats, then the field will appear as the message of alarm clock.</description>
<description>Offline resources locate in the folder &quot;sitecache&quot;. With the option &quot;use offline resources&quot; enabled, the corresponding files in &quot;sitecache/[domain name]/[full path including filename, the url path part]&quot; are loaded first before reaching the network.
Serverless local sites Click to install url service that extracts web apps to the folder &quot;sitecache/local/&quot;: support web extensions (.crx for chrome &amp; .xpi for firefox).
Any folder under &quot;sitecache&quot; can be visited as a local site.</description>
<description>⚠️Redirection forwards cookies with the setting option &quot;Redirect cookies&quot; enabled, so use the options with care.
Setting options: &quot;Url redirection&quot; vs. &quot;Resource redirection&quot; &quot;Url redirection&quot; redirects the main/page url only while &quot;Resource redirection&quot; is for all urls in the page.
Global redirection Global redirection is enabled with the setting option &quot;Resource redirection&quot; or both &quot;Url redirection&quot; and &quot;Redirect cookies&quot;.
When a valid global redirection url is set, the &quot;default.redirect&quot; has no effect, and any url resource is fetched with the new url by appending the original url to the global redirection url.</description>
<description>The enhanced hosts files &quot;hosts&quot; and &quot;default.hosts&quot; take effect with the setting option &quot;use hosts&quot;.
hosts The enhanced file &quot;hosts&quot; defines IP addresses/attributes for domains. Each line has the following format:
[[IP address][attributes]][single space][domain name]
where &quot;[[IP address][attributes]]&quot; could be:
ipv4 address such as: torapp.eu.org
ipv6 address, Ex.:
[2606:4700:3037::6815:8c3] torapp.eu.org
empty, that would lift all server-imposed limitations. Ex.:
[single space]gitee.com
which will make all git repositories on the domain visitable as websites with raw file access url.</description>
<description>Javascript (load when page completes, earliest loaded JS should use sitecss). Need to be named as &quot;[domain root].js&quot;, such as &quot;yahoo.com.js&quot; or &quot;finance.yahoo.com.js&quot;. The script will be loaded on the whole domain tree sites. If several files matches the domain, then the script with longest file name is loaded. Script must be put under the folder &quot;sitejs&quot; or &quot;/data/data/info.torapp.uweb/files/sitejs&quot;. The later folder has the priority. Long press the button &quot;settings&quot;, check the option &quot;Run user scripts&quot;.</description>
<description>AI, chatgpt etc.
google gemini komo andi devv.ai iaskAI poe thinkany freegpt teach-anything magickpen note.ms
Wait for url from other devices
berify: reverse image search for video
Associated bookmarks Search engine files associate with bookmarks with extension &quot;.html&quot;, which means the bookmark file if existing is appended to the page when the search engine file is on screen.
&quot;help_en.html&quot; bookmark associates with the user manual in English. Similarly, &quot;help_zh.html&quot; is for Chinese manual.</description>
<description>Text processing for clipboard data:
On home screen, pressing the sharing button of the bottom toolbar popups the text processing menu for clipboard data.
To show web pages in desktop mode:
PC button + option &quot;wide viewport&quot; + global js &quot;force page resizable&quot;.
Playing audio when screen off
Option &quot;Floating video&quot; + video fullscreen playing
Multiple home screens and Next/Prev page:
home5.html, home6.mht(or .search or .html), home7.mht(or .search or .html), .</description>
<description>&quot;:!&quot; ( or &quot;!&quot;) command line Pressing &quot;:&quot; or &quot;!&quot; with hardware keyboard sets focus on the address bar.
The command line could be a &quot;.js&quot;, &quot;.sh&quot; or other executable with arguments. Ex. &quot;:!s g keyword&quot; could invoke &quot;s.js&quot; executable with the whole string as arguments (&quot;s.sh&quot; or &quot;s&quot; if file exists, here &quot;g&quot; as google search engine); &quot;:! g keyword&quot; would invoke the file &quot;.js&quot; or &quot;.sh&quot; as executable.</description>
<description>The uweb internal link &quot;i:0m&quot; make any url such as download or indirect links visitable as a website. The second part of mirrors has examples using the following tricks:
&quot;i:0m04:[url]&quot;: to treat the [url] content as html with bookmarklet. &quot;i:0m?:[url]&quot;: to treat the [url] content as html, handling css/js properly. &quot;i:0m?[postfix]:[url]&quot;: auto append query postfix to url to retrieve content. &quot;i:0mi:5h:[url]&quot;: similar to &quot;i:0m?:[url]&quot;, to treat the [url] content as html (for download or no-script links etc.</description>
<description>This page is for uweb browser.
Click to install the following html5 apps:
Huge markdown file viewer
Huge markdown+katex file viewer (Tex formulas)
Huge markdeep file viewer (markdown, latex, diagram,graphviz etc.)
plyr video player
dplayer video player
pdf viewer
epub reader (author:llili)
djvu viewer
The corresponding menus can be installed with url services.
Features The following mentioned subfolders locate in the configuration folder.
The following html5 applications are allowed to read local files referred by &quot;https://local/sdcard/.</description>
<description>All folders end with character &quot;/&quot; and others are files. All folders/files locate in &quot;/data/data/info.torapp.uweb/files&quot;:
&quot;css/&quot;: global css folder
&quot;js/&quot;: global script folder
&quot;sitejs/&quot;: script folder for domains
&quot;sitecss/&quot;:CSS folder for domains
&quot;bookmarklet/&quot;:bookmarklets, long pressing the &quot;JS&quot; button to execute.
&quot;offline/&quot;: to save offline pages
&quot;sbookmark/&quot;: to save super bookmarks
&quot;sitecache/&quot;:offline cache
&quot;longclick/&quot;: menus to appear when long-pressing hypertext (js files)
&quot;icon/&quot;:customized icons
&quot;app[XXX]/&quot;:html5 applications
&quot;default.longclick&quot;: to configure menus when long-pressing hypertext.</description>
<description>Host blocking。
Use bookmarklet &quot;list all script urls&quot; to generate url links, long pressing dubious script (usually 3rd-party library) link, click &quot;Block domain root&quot;. Javascript and CSS for domains。
Long press the button &quot;js&quot;, click the menu &quot;MarkAD mode&quot;. In &quot;markAD mode&quot;, click page element to show all attributes and generate CSS AD blocking styles. By default, &quot;display:none&quot; is used. If &quot;display&quot; appears in the attribute information, recommend to use &quot;transform:scale(0)!</description>
<description>With a href=&quot;../index.html#&quot;&gt;uweb browser, long pressing any bookmarklet link, click &quot;Open in new tab&quot;, the bookmarklet will be run on the last other tab.
List all script urls
User agent
Source code
Last modified date
Eruda: mobile console
QR code generation
Use &quot;GET&quot; method for &quot;POST&quot;
Shows all form elements
Enables all form elements
Toggle checkboxes
Check all checkboxes
Uncheck all checkboxes
Toggle all checkboxes in forms
Enable selection</description>
<description>Uweb browser loads all &quot;.css&quot; files under the folder &quot;css&quot; as global css. Click the following links to install global css files:
Clearing font settings
The file &quot;night.css&quot; is used as night mode, click the following links to install one:
webview 81+ night mode
webview 80- night mode
Earliest loaded global js The &quot;.js&quot; files under the folder &quot;css&quot; are loaded as earlier as possible on the page.</description>
<description>If subfolder &quot;icon&quot; exists, then files named as &quot;0&quot;,&quot;1&quot;,&quot;2&quot;...
are used for icons in the bottom toolbar. file &quot;0&quot; to replace the left arrow button, &quot;1&quot; for right arrow button, &quot;2&quot; for the setting button,&quot;3&quot; for the home screen button,...
If a new button is defined (file name &quot;20&quot; exists), uweb also supports VectorDrawable with &quot;android compiled XML&quot; format. All icon files must be either all compiled VectorDrawables or common image formats.</description>
<description>Search engine file names have &quot;.search&quot; as postfix. When they are clicked, the associated bookmark files with postfix &quot;.search.html&quot; would be appended. Ex: the associated bookmark for &quot;foo.search&quot; is &quot;foo.search.html&quot;.
Any &quot;.search&quot; file can be opened as search engine file, each line of which has one of the following formats:
[Engine name]:[url without '%s' inside]
[Engine name]:[url with '%s' as keyword]
[Engine name]:POST:[post params with '%s' as keyword]:[url]
[Engine name]:[Extra request headers]:[post params with '%s' as keyword]:[url]</description>
<description>Only the termux versions provided along with uweb browser can work seamlessly. For android 10+, please install termux before installing uweb browser. If uweb is already installed, users can uninstall it first, then install termux and reinstall uweb browser.
Termux bookmarks Long pressing the following links then either &quot;commands&quot;-&gt;&quot;bookmark&quot; to add bookmarks or &quot;open in new tab&quot; to execute.
GNU bc (basic calculator)
bc with all extensions
Click the following links to install termux configurations: .</description>
<description>To run commands Each line of file &quot;default.longclick&quot; has the following format: (same as default.cmds)
[Name]:[mimetype]:[command line]
in which [command line] can have &quot;%c&quot; (cookie), &quot;%u&quot; (current url), &quot;%t&quot; (title) etc.
To visit url and load javascript file All &quot;.js&quot; files under the folder &quot;longclick&quot; are part of the popup menu.
These javascript files are in the following format:
The very first line can begin with &quot;//&quot; followed by website url that can have &quot;%u&quot; (current url), &quot;%t&quot; (title) etc.</description>
<description>This page is for uweb browser.
install tdict_local (search with local indexes and remote content) Click to install the following local indexes with corresponding search engines (for test only).
install the indexes for &quot;American heritage dictionary (en-en&amp;zh with AHD/D.J./K.K. pronunciation)&quot;
Install AHD to home screen
Indexes for &quot;研究社新編英和活用大辞典(English usage: en-en&amp;ja)&quot;
Install &quot;English usage (en-en&amp;ja)&quot;
Indexes for SOED6
install SOED
The following dictionaries work better with markdown processor.
Install markdown processor</description>
<description>Long press the settings button, check the option &quot;custom file handling&quot; to enable the functionality.
The custom file handling configuration file is &quot;default.filecap&quot;, each line of it has the format as follows:
[file extension]:[mimetype]:[command line]
The &quot;[file extension]&quot; part can have at most two-segment of extensions such as &quot;txt.xz&quot;,&quot;html.gz&quot;.
&quot;[mimetype]&quot; indicates the type of &quot;[command line]&quot; output.
&quot;[command line]&quot; is same as the one in default.cmds. The most often used replacements are:</description>
<description>Swipe down from the top to show the address bar; swipe up to the top to hide the address bar. Swipe down to the bottom to hide the toolbar with option &quot;swipe to hide tools&quot;; swipe on the bottom corners to show the toolbar.
Swipe left/right near the toolbar to switch window; fling left/right to switch to the last/first window.
Swiping on the top part of content window (near the top address bar by default) triggers corresponding link in the file &quot;default.</description>