<p>"home.css" (in current folder, parent folder or the "bookmark" folder) styles bookmarks, search engines and the folder itself. The file is in html format instead of CSS, so it needs "<style>" tag for CSS.</p>
<p><ahref="i:0hbookmark/home.css:../searchurl/txt/markdeep.html">Install markdeep styling for markdown files</a></p>
<h3id="bookmarks-with-secrets-post-instead-of-get">Bookmarks with secrets (POST instead of GET)</h3>
<p>The search engine (".search") file can be used as bookmarks with secret. Here is an example bookmark for webdav cloud storage (replace "xxx" with real user and password):<br>
<p>Clicking to run is only allowed from local pages for bookmarks in this section. Users need to either save the bookmarks to local or long press the link =>"open in new tab" to execute.</p>
<p>To save the bookmarks to local, users firstly need to install "bookmark" menu by clicking corresponding link in the <ahref="../urls/index.html">url services</a> page, then long press the bookmark link =>"open in new tab" =>"Commands" =>"bookmark" to save the bookmark.</p>
<p><ahref="d::cd /sdcard/Download/mdict;for i in *.mdx; do b=`basename ${i} .mdx`;fs=%22${i}%22;if [ -f ${b}.mdd ];then fs=${fs}%22,${b}.mdd%22;fi;echo ${b}:i:5ifile:///sdcard/Download/mdict/${fs}?app=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/torappinfo/uweb/en/searchurl/mdict/mdict.html#word=%25s >>/data/data/info.torapp.uweb/files/home5.search;done:">Scan mdx/mdd files under the folder "/sdcard/Download/mdict" and add search engines</a>.</p>