<p><ahref="../cmds/index.html">Commands</a> are the best for repeated execution of an instruction. Address bar command modes provide ways to run different commands in the same category easily.</p>
<p>The configure file "default.acmd" has the exactly same format as <ahref="../cmds/index.html">default.cmds</a>. Click the following links to install new modes (cold start the app to take effect, then long click the "refresh" botton to switch modes):</p>
<ahref="i:15cd;toybox mkdir -p /sdcard/Download/app;toybox ln -s /sdcard/Download/app">symbolic link "app" folder to be under the "Download" folder</a></p>
<p><ahref="i:15cd;cd ../..;toybox rm -rf files;toybox mkdir -p /sdcard/Download/uweb;toybox ln -s /sdcard/Download/uweb files">symbolic link configuration folder to be under the "Download" folder</a></p>