<ahref="i:0gdefault.select::Home:/uweb:printf 'file://data/data/info.torapp.uweb/home5.search location.href=%22i:15';cat;print '%22;'%0A">Search with home screen</a></p>
<p>The file "default.select" defines menus for selected text. If no text is selected, the menu item operates on the whole page. Each line of the file has the following format:<br>
<p>[mimetype] specifies input/output for [command line].<br>
It formats as "[input mimetype]/[output mimetype]".<br>
[input mimetype] can be the following:</p>
<li>"html": rich text</li>
<li>"" (empty): text</li>
<li>".js" file name under configuration folder. The js file is evaluated and its return value is passed to [command line] as standard input.</li>
<p><atarget="_self"href="i:0hcheck.js:https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/torappinfo/uweb/zh/searchurl/txt/check.js">checked.js</a>: Evaluate checked.js and return value as standard input for the command line. For any file url ending with "/", optionally append "?[prefix][<em>[postfix]]". For example, "file:///sdcard/?</em>.png" lists all .png files under the folder "/sdcard". Select files and process them with checked.js(such as "copy to PC" as the later example).</p>
<p>Here we assume that the user PC has IP address as "".<br>
To use ssh or scp, users need to install uweb compatible Termux provided on the <ahref="../index.html">uweb apk download page</a>, and install openssl under termux (apt install openssl).<br>
PCs need command "xsel" available to operate on copy/paste.</p>