<description>Click to install url service that extracts web apps to the folder &quot;sitecache/local/&quot;: support web extensions (.crx for chrome &amp; .xpi for firefox).
Offline resources locate in the folder &quot;sitecache&quot;. With the option &quot;use offline resources&quot; enabled, the corresponding files in &quot;sitecache/[domain name]/[full path including filename, '?' , '&amp;' , '='. exactly as url]&quot; are loaded first before reaching the network.
PWAs (Progresssive Web Applications) and some web extensions (.crx for chrome &amp; .</description>
Pipe support: command line output to uweb tabs. 934:
Serverless local sites: PWA-kind web extension (chrome .crx &amp; firefox .xpi) support. PWAs and web extensions to be used as search engines, ex. kiwix zim as search engines. 925:
remote js: wait for remote js to be fully loaded. html5 apps are as powerful as native ones now and still secure.</description>
<description>Commands are the best for repeated execution of an instruction. Address bar command modes provide ways to run different commands in the same category easily.
The configure file &quot;default.acmd&quot; has the exactly same format as default.cmds. Click the following links to install new modes (cold start the app to take effect, then long click the &quot;refresh&quot; button to switch modes):
Note: "Engines" needs file "engine.search",whose format is same as "home.search" except that the keyword part of url must be denoted with "%s". Pressing the right arrow button on the search result page will automatically query with next engine in the file.</description>
<description>All folders end with character &quot;/&quot; and others are files. All folders/files locate in &quot;/data/data/info.torapp.uweb/files&quot;:
Long pressing the bookmark button in uweb browser will popup menus defined in file &quot;default.link&quot;. The file format is as follows:
[Menu name]:[url][space][javascript code]
in which space and later parts are optional. url and later parts support &quot;%u&quot;,&quot;%s&quot; etc.. The javascript code will be executed after url is fully loaded.</description>
<pubDate>Sat, 25 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Host blocking。
Use bookmarklet &quot;list all script urls&quot; to generate url links, long pressing dubious script (usually 3rd-party library) link, click &quot;Block domain root&quot;. Javascript and CSS for domains。
Long press the button &quot;js&quot;, click the menu &quot;MarkAD mode&quot;. In &quot;markAD mode&quot;, click page element to show all attributes and generate CSS AD blocking styles. By default, &quot;display:none&quot; is used. If &quot;display&quot; appears in the attribute information, recommend to use &quot;transform:scale(0)!</description>
<pubDate>Fri, 24 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>With a href=&quot;../index.html&quot;&gt;uweb browser, long pressing any bookmarklet link, click &quot;Open in new tab&quot;, the bookmarklet will be run on the last other tab.
List all script urls
User agent
Source code
Last modified date
Eruda: mobile console
QR code generation
Use &quot;GET&quot; method for &quot;POST&quot;
<description>Click the following links to install url services with uweb browser. Force exit and re-launch the app, then long press the &quot;image&quot; button to popup the menu.
<description>Click the following links to install commands with uweb browser. Force exit and re-launch the app, then long press the button with clock icon to popup the command menu.
Global javascript files locates in the subfolder &quot;js&quot; of app private folder. Long press button [☰] to configure. Click the following links to install:
large size javascript code can be installed to the folder &quot;bookmarklet&quot; (long pressing button &quot;js&quot; to popup menu):
Remote javascript is defined in default.rjs. Click the following link to install. (Force exit and re-launch the app, then long press the &quot;search&quot; button to popup the menu.</description>
Commands Clicking to run is only allowed from local pages for bookmarks in this section. Users need to either save the bookmarks to local or long press the link =&gt; &quot;open in new tab&quot; to execute.
To save the bookmarks to local, users firstly need to install &quot;bookmark&quot; menu by clicking corresponding link in the url services page, then long press the bookmark link =&gt; &quot;open in new tab&quot; =&gt; &quot;Commands&quot; =&gt; &quot;bookmark&quot; to save the bookmark.</description>
in which &quot;[regular expression]&quot; is as defined by java language, and cannot have &quot;:&quot; inside; if empty, it defaults to be same as &quot;[domain name]&quot;.
Ways to enable redirection: Long the image button。 Long pressing the setting button, enable the option &quot;url redirection&quot;.</description>
The file &quot;default.select&quot; defines menus for selected text. If no text is selected, the menu item operates on the whole page. Each line of the file has the following format:
<description>Uweb browser loads all &quot;.css&quot; files under the folder &quot;css&quot; as global css. Click the following links to install global css files:
<pubDate>Sun, 06 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>If subfolder &quot;icon&quot; exists, then files named as &quot;0&quot;,&quot;1&quot;,&quot;2&quot;...
are used for icons in the bottom toolbar. file &quot;0&quot; to replace the left arrow button, &quot;1&quot; for right arrow button, &quot;2&quot; for the setting button,&quot;3&quot; for the home screen button,...
If a new button is defined (file name &quot;20&quot; exists), uweb also supports VectorDrawable with &quot;android compiled XML&quot; format. All icon files must be all VectorDrawables or 此时所有图标文件必须都是compiled XML格式,或都是普通的图像格式(png,jpg,gif等)。用户可将VectorDrawable XML文件放到安卓项目目录assets下面,重新生成apk文件以后将apk文件解压即可得compiled XML格式图标文件。</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Any &quot;.search&quot; file can be opened as search engine file, each line of which has one of the following formats:
[Engine name]:[url without '%s' inside]
[Engine name]:[url with '%s' as keyword]
[Engine name]:POST:[post params with '%s' as keyword]:[url]
Limitations (they are here for performance reasons):
The first engine in the file must be the first type that has no '%s' in the engine url. Internal scheme engine urls (such as i:, d:, c:) must have '%s', since '%s' format is more general (only type 2 is allowed, since POST makes no sense for internal schemes).</description>
Termux bookmarks Long pressing the following links then either &quot;commands&quot;-&gt;&quot;bookmark&quot; to add bookmarks or &quot;open in new tab&quot; to execute.
PC button + option &quot;wide viewport&quot; + global js &quot;force page resizable&quot;.
Multiple home screens and Next/Prev page:
home5.html, home6.html/home6.search, home7.html/home7.search, ... can be visited via pressing the right arrow button while home4.html/home4.search, home3.html/home3.search ... with long pressing the left arrow.</description>
These javascript files are in the following format:
The very first line can begin with &quot;//&quot; followed by website url that can have &quot;%u&quot; (current url), &quot;%t&quot; (title) etc.</description>
install tdict_local (search with local indexes and remote content) Click to install the following local indexes with corresponding search engines (for test only).
The &quot;[file extension]&quot; part can have at most two-segment of extensions such as &quot;txt.xz&quot;,&quot;html.gz&quot;.
&quot;[mimetype]&quot; indicates the type of &quot;[command line]&quot; output.
&quot;[command line]&quot; is same as the one in default.cmds. The most often used replacements are:</description>
<pubDate>Thu, 18 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Swipe down from the top to show the address bar; swipe up to the top to hide the address bar. Swipe down to the bottom to hide the toolbar with option &quot;swipe to hide tools&quot;; swipe on the bottom corners to show the toolbar.
Swipe left/right near the toolbar to switch window; fling left/right to switch to the last/first window.
Swiping on the top part of content window (near the top address bar by default) triggers corresponding link in the file &quot;default.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>hosts blocks whole domain trees including all descedant domains. The domains in the hosts file must be 2 or 3 segment domains, such as &quot;yahoo.com&quot; and &quot;finance.yahoo.com&quot;. If the length of the last 2 segments is less than 7, such as &quot;com.pl&quot;, then it is treated as one segment, so domains like &quot;xxx.xxx.com.pl&quot; are also valid in the hosts file.
Each line of the hosts file has the following format:</description>
<description>Javascript (load when page completes, earliest loaded JS should use sitecss). Need to be named as &quot;[domain root].js&quot;, such as &quot;yahoo.com.js&quot; or &quot;finance.yahoo.com.js&quot;. The script will be loaded on the whole domain tree sites. If several files matches the domain, then the script with longest file name is loaded. Script must be put under the folder &quot;sitejs&quot; or &quot;/data/data/info.torapp.uweb/files/sitejs&quot;. The later folder has the priority. Long press the button &quot;settings&quot;, check the option &quot;Run user scripts&quot;.</description>