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< p > With a href=" ../index.html" > uweb browser< / a > , long pressing any bookmarklet link, click " Open in new tab" , the bookmarklet will be run on the last other tab.< / p >
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< p > < a href = "javascript:(function(){var x,i; x = document.forms; for (i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) x[i].method="get"; alert("Changed " + x.length + " forms to use the GET method. After submitting a form from this page, you should be able to bookmark the result."); })();" > Use " GET" method for " POST" < / a > < br >
< a href = "javascript:(function(){var i,f,j,e,div,label,ne; for(i=0;f=document.forms[i];++i)for(j=0;e=f[j];++j)if(e.type=="hidden"){ D=document; function C(t){return D.createElement(t);} function A(a,b){a.appendChild(b);} div=C("div"); label=C("label"); A(div, label); A(label, D.createTextNode(e.name + ": ")); e.parentNode.insertBefore(div, e); e.parentNode.removeChild(e); ne=C("input");/*for ie*/ ne.type="text"; ne.value=e.value; A(label, ne); --j;}})()" > Shows all form elements< / a > < br >
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2023-03-05 03:12:05 +00:00
< p > Last Modified: 24 September 2022< br >
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