<p>Offline resources locate in the folder "sitecache". With the option "use offline resources" enabled, the corresponding files in "sitecache/[domain name]/[full path including filename, the url path part]" are loaded first before reaching the network.</p>
<h4id="bingchat-ui">bingChat UI</h4>
<p><ahref="i:0hsitecache/www.bing.com/ai.html:https://gitee.com/jamesfengcao/uweb/raw/master/en/searchurl/bingAI/bing.html">Install bingChat UI ai.html for censored area</a> (<ahref="https://www.bing.com/ai.html">bingChat UI</a>)</p>
<p>The default proxy "mybing2.xn--xyza.top" needs "bing.com" cookies to establish chat. So copy the cookie before accessing the above UI.<br>
<ahref="i:0gdefault.link::cookiecopy_bing::0cchttps://www.bing.com:https://mybing2.xn--xyza.top%0A">Click to install link menu to copy "bing.com" cookies to "mybing2.xn--xyza.top"</a></p>
<p><ahref="i:01Extract webapp:i:0bsitecache/local/:">Click to install url service that extracts web apps to the folder "sitecache/local/"</a>: support web extensions (.crx for chrome & .xpi for firefox).</p>
<p>Any folder under "sitecache" can be visited as a local site. Urls with search queries can be dynamically processed by the js/wasm code in the local file.</p>
<p>PWAs (Progresssive Web Applications) and some web extensions (.crx for chrome & .xpi for firefox) are just packaged websites. Ex. the "kiwix" extension can be extracted to the folder "sitecache/local/kiwix"<supid="fnref:1"><ahref="#fn:1"class="footnote-ref"role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup>, then the kiwix extension can be accessed via url "https://local/kiwix/www/index.html" in the browser.</p>
<p>the folder name "local" is used as the domain name in the url. <ahref="#fnref:1"class="footnote-backref"role="doc-backlink">↩︎</a></p>