#!/bin/sh # shellcheck disable=SC2236,SC2237 # # ^ Allow the use of `! -z` and `! [ -z]` as those are # more intuitive than `-n` print_help() { echo "Usage: yt-api-helper -i [-c ] [-e ]" echo "Usage: yt-api-helper -c -e -d " echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -c,--client Client to use. Pass 'help' to this option to get" echo " the list of supported clients. Mandatory in" echo " non-interactive mode." echo " -d,--data Raw data to send to the API" echo " -e,--endpoint Youtube endpoint to request. Pass 'help' to this" echo " option to get the list of supported endpoints." echo " Mandatory in non-interactive mode" echo " -h,--help Show this help" echo " -i,--interactive Run in interactive mode" echo " -o,--output Print output to file instead of stdout" echo "" echo " --debug Show what is sent to the API" echo "" } print_clients() { echo "Available clients:" echo "web" echo "web-embed" echo "web-mobile" echo "android" echo "android-embed" echo "apple-ios" } print_endpoints() { echo "Available endpoints:" echo "browse" echo "browse-continuation" echo "next" echo "next-continuation" echo "player" echo "search" echo "resolve" } query_with_default() { prompt="$1" default="$2" printf "%s [%s]: " "$prompt" "$default" >&2 read -r data if [ -z "$data" ]; then echo "$default" else echo "$data" fi } query_with_error() { prompt="$1" error_message="$2" printf "%s []: " "$prompt" >&2 read -r data if [ -z "$data" ]; then echo "Error: $error_message" exit 1 else echo "$data" fi } is_arg() { case $1 in -c|--client) true;; -d|--data) true;; -e|--endpoint) true;; -h|--help) true;; -i|--interactive) true;; -o|--output) true;; --debug) true;; *) false;; esac } # # Parameters init # interactive=false debug=false client_option="" endpoint_option="" client_extra_device_make="" client_extra_device_model="" client_extra_os_name="" client_extra_os_vers="" client_extra_platform="" client_extra_form_factor="" data="" # # Interactive client selection # while :; do # Exit if no more arguments to parse if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then break; fi case $1 in -c|--client) shift if [ $# -eq 0 ] || is_arg "$1"; then echo "Error: missing argument after -c/--client" exit 2 fi client_option=$1 ;; -d|--data) shift if [ $# -eq 0 ] || is_arg "$1"; then echo "Error: missing argument after -d/--data" exit 2 fi data=$1 ;; -e|--endpoint) shift if [ $# -eq 0 ] || is_arg "$1"; then echo "Error: missing argument after -e/--endpoint" exit 2 fi endpoint_option=$1 ;; -h|--help) print_help exit 0 ;; -i|--interactive) interactive=true ;; -o|--output) shift if [ $# -eq 0 ] || is_arg "$1"; then echo "Error: missing argument after -o/--output" exit 2 fi output="$1" ;; --debug) debug=true ;; *) echo "Error: unknown argument '$1'" exit 2 ;; esac shift done # # Input validation # if [ ! -z "$data" ]; then # Can't pass data in interactive mode if [ $interactive = true ]; then echo "Error: -d/--data can't be used with -i/--interactive" exit 2 fi # In non-interactive mode, we still need to pass a client # so the right API key is passed as a URL parameter if [ -z "$client_option" ]; then echo "Error: -c/--client is required to select an API key" exit 2 fi # Endpoint must be given if non-interactive mode if [ -z "$endpoint_option" ]; then echo "Error: In non-interactive mode, an endpoint must be passed with -e/--endpoint" exit 2 fi fi if [ -z "$data" ] && [ $interactive = false ]; then # Data must be given if non-interactive mode echo "Error: In non-interactive mode, data must be passed with -d/--data" exit 2 fi if [ -z "$output" ] && [ $interactive = true ]; then printf "\nIt is recommended to use --output in interactive mode.\nContinue? [y/N]: " read -r confirm if [ -z "$confirm" ]; then confirm="n"; fi case $confirm in [Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) ;; *) exit 0;; esac fi # # Client selection # if [ -z "$client_option" ]; then client_option=$(query_with_default "Enter a client to use" "web") fi case $client_option in help) print_clients exit 0 ;; web) apikey="AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8" client_name="WEB" client_vers="2.20210721.00.00" ;; web-embed) apikey="AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8" client_name="WEB_EMBEDDED_PLAYER" client_vers="1.20210721.1.0" ;; web-mobile) apikey="AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8" client_name="MWEB" client_vers="2.20210726.08.00" ;; android) apikey="AIzaSyA8eiZmM1FaDVjRy-df2KTyQ_vz_yYM39w" client_name="ANDROID" client_vers="16.20" ;; android-embed) apikey="AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8" client_name="ANDROID_EMBEDDED_PLAYER" client_vers="16.20" ;; apple-ios) apikey="AIzaSyB-63vPrdThhKuerbB2N_l7Kwwcxj6yUAc" client_name="IOS" client_vers="16.46" client_extra_device_make="Apple" client_extra_device_model="iPhone11,8" client_extra_os_vers="15.2.0" user_agent="com.google.ios.youtube/16.46 (iPhone11,8; U; CPU iOS 15_2 like Mac OS X; en_GB)" ;; *) echo "Error: Unknown client '$client_option'" echo "" print_clients exit 1 ;; esac # # Endpoint selection # if [ -z "$endpoint_option" ]; then endpoint_option=$(query_with_default "Enter an endpoint to request" "") fi case $endpoint_option in help) print_endpoints exit 0 ;; browse) endpoint="youtubei/v1/browse" if [ $interactive = true ]; then browse_id=$(query_with_default "Enter browse ID" "UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw") partial_data="\"browseId\":\"${browse_id}\"" fi ;; browse-cont*|browse-tok*) endpoint="youtubei/v1/browse" if [ $interactive = true ]; then token=$(query_with_error "Enter continuation token" "token required") partial_data="\"continuation\":\"${token}\"" fi ;; player|next) endpoint="youtubei/v1/$endpoint_option" if [ $interactive = true ]; then vid=$(query_with_default "Enter video ID" "dQw4w9WgXcQ") partial_data="\"videoId\":\"${vid}\"" fi ;; next-cont*|next-tok*) endpoint="youtubei/v1/next" if [ $interactive = true ]; then token=$(query_with_error "Enter continuation token" "token required") partial_data="\"continuation\":\"${token}\"" fi ;; search) endpoint="youtubei/v1/search" if [ $interactive = true ]; then # Get search query, and escape backslashes and double quotes query=$( query_with_error "Enter your search query" "search term required" | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' -e 's/"/\\"/g' ) partial_data="\"query\":\"${query}\"" fi ;; resolve) endpoint="/youtubei/v1/navigation/resolve_url" if [ $interactive = true ]; then url=$(query_with_error "Enter URL" "URL required") partial_data="\"url\":\"${url}\"" fi ;; *) echo "Error: Unknown endpoint '$endpoint_option'" echo "" print_clients exit 1 ;; esac # # Interactively request additional parameters for the supported endpoints # if [ $interactive = true ] then case $endpoint_option in browse|player|search) params=$(query_with_default "Enter optional parameters (base64-encoded protobuf)" "") if [ ! -z "$params" ]; then partial_data="${partial_data},\"params\":\"${params}\"" fi ;; esac fi # new line echo # # Interactive language/region selection # if [ $interactive = true ]; then hl=$(query_with_default "Enter content language (hl)" "en") gl=$(query_with_default "Enter content region (gl)" "US") client="\"hl\":\"${hl}\",\"gl\":\"${gl}\"" client="${client},\"deviceMake\":\"${client_extra_device_make}\"" client="${client},\"deviceModel\":\"${client_extra_device_model}\"" client="${client},\"clientName\":\"${client_name}\"" client="${client},\"clientVersion\":\"${client_vers}\"" if ! [ -z "$client_extra_os_name" ]; then client="${client},\"osName\":\"${client_extra_os_name}\"" fi if ! [ -z "$client_extra_os_vers" ]; then client="${client},\"osVersion\":\"${client_extra_os_vers}\"" fi if ! [ -z "$client_extra_platform" ]; then client="${client},\"platform\":\"${client_extra_platform}\"" fi if ! [ -z "$client_extra_form_factor" ]; then client="${client},\"clientFormFactor\":\"${client_extra_form_factor}\"" fi fi # # Final command # if [ $interactive = true ]; then data="{\"context\":{\"client\":{$client}},$partial_data}" # Basic debug if [ $debug = true ]; then echo echo "sending:" echo "$data" | sed 's/{/{\n/g; s/}/\n}/g; s/,/,\n/g' echo fi fi url="https://www.youtube.com/${endpoint}?key=${apikey}" # Headers hdr_ct='Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' if [ -z "$user_agent" ]; then user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" fi hdr_ua="User-Agent: ${user_agent}" # Default to STDOUT if no output file was given if [ -z "$output" ]; then output='-'; fi # Run! curl --compressed -o "$output" -H "$hdr_ct" -H "$hdr_ua" --data "$data" "$url"