import videojs from 'video.js' import { version as VERSION } from '../package.json' // import request from 'request'; // Default options for the plugin. const defaults = {} // Cross-compatibility for Video.js 5 and 6. const registerPlugin = videojs.registerPlugin || videojs.plugin // const dom = videojs.dom || videojs; /** * Function to invoke when the player is ready. * * This is a great place for your plugin to initialize itself. When this * function is called, the player will have its DOM and child components * in place. * * @function onPlayerReady * @param {Player} player * A Video.js player object. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * A plain object containing options for the plugin. */ const onPlayerReady = (player, options) => { player.addClass('vjs-vtt-thumbnails') new vttThumbnailsPlugin(player, options) } /** * A video.js plugin. * * In the plugin function, the value of `this` is a video.js `Player` * instance. You cannot rely on the player being in a "ready" state here, * depending on how the plugin is invoked. This may or may not be important * to you; if not, remove the wait for "ready"! * * @function vttThumbnails * @param {Object} [options={}] * An object of options left to the plugin author to define. */ const vttThumbnails = function (options) { this.ready(() => { onPlayerReady(this, videojs.mergeOptions(defaults, options)) }) } /** * VTT Thumbnails class. * * This class performs all functions related to displaying the vtt * thumbnails. */ class vttThumbnailsPlugin { /** * Plugin class constructor, called by videojs on * ready event. * * @function constructor * @param {Player} player * A Video.js player object. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * A plain object containing options for the plugin. */ constructor (player, options) { this.player = player this.options = options this.initializeThumbnails() } /** * Bootstrap the plugin. */ initializeThumbnails () { if (!this.options.src) { return } const baseUrl = this.getBaseUrl() const url = this.getFullyQualifiedUrl(this.options.src, baseUrl) this.getVttFile(url) .then((data) => { this.vttData = this.processVtt(data) this.setupThumbnailElement() }) } /** * Builds a base URL should we require one. * * @returns {string} */ getBaseUrl () { return [ window.location.protocol, '//', window.location.hostname, (window.location.port ? ':' + window.location.port : ''), window.location.pathname ].join('').split(/([^\/]*)$/gi).shift() } /** * Grabs the contents of the VTT file. * * @param url * @returns {Promise} */ getVttFile (url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const req = new XMLHttpRequest() = { resolve: resolve } req.addEventListener('load', this.vttFileLoaded)'GET', url) req.send() }) } /** * Callback for loaded VTT file. */ vttFileLoaded () { } setupThumbnailElement (data) { const mouseDisplay = this.player.$('.vjs-mouse-display') this.progressBar = this.player.$('.vjs-progress-control') const thumbHolder = document.createElement('div') thumbHolder.setAttribute('class', 'vjs-vtt-thumbnail-display') this.progressBar.appendChild(thumbHolder) this.thumbnailHolder = thumbHolder mouseDisplay.classList.add('vjs-hidden') this.progressBar.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => { return this.onBarMouseenter() }) this.progressBar.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => { return this.onBarMouseleave() }) } onBarMouseenter () { this.mouseMoveCallback = (e) => { this.onBarMousemove(e) } this.progressBar.addEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMoveCallback) this.showThumbnailHolder() } onBarMouseleave () { this.progressBar.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMoveCallback) this.hideThumbnailHolder() } onBarMousemove (event) { this.updateThumbnailStyle( event.clientX - this.progressBar.offsetLeft, this.progressBar.offsetWidth ) } getStyleForTime (time) { for (let i = 0; i < this.vttData.length; ++i) { let item = this.vttData[i] if (time >= item.start && time < item.end) { return item.css } } } showThumbnailHolder () { = '1' } hideThumbnailHolder () { = '0' } updateThumbnailStyle (x, width) { const duration = this.player.duration() const time = ((1 - ((width - x) / width))) * duration const currentStyle = this.getStyleForTime(time) if (!currentStyle) { return this.hideThumbnailHolder() } const xPos = ((1 - ((width - x) / width))) * width = 'translateX(' + xPos + 'px)' = '-' + (parseInt(currentStyle.width) / 2) + 'px' if (this.lastStyle && this.lastStyle === currentStyle) { return } this.lastStyle = currentStyle for (let style in currentStyle) { if (currentStyle.hasOwnProperty(style)) {[style] = currentStyle[style] } } } processVtt (data) { const processedVtts = [] const vttDefinitions = data.split(/[\r\n][\r\n]/i) vttDefinitions.forEach((vttDef) => { if (vttDef.match(/([0-9]{2}:)?([0-9]{2}:)?[0-9]{2}(.[0-9]{3})?( ?--> ?)([0-9]{2}:)?([0-9]{2}:)?[0-9]{2}(.[0-9]{3})?[\r\n]{1}.*/gi)) { let vttDefSplit = vttDef.split(/[\r\n]/i) let vttTiming = vttDefSplit[0] let vttTimingSplit = vttTiming.split(/ ?--> ?/i) let vttTimeStart = vttTimingSplit[0] let vttTimeEnd = vttTimingSplit[1] let vttImageDef = vttDefSplit[1] let vttCssDef = this.getVttCss(vttImageDef) processedVtts.push({ start: this.getSecondsFromTimestamp(vttTimeStart), end: this.getSecondsFromTimestamp(vttTimeEnd), css: vttCssDef }) } }) return processedVtts } getFullyQualifiedUrl (path, base) { if (!path.match(/\/\//i)) { return [ this.trim(base, '/'), this.trim(path, '/') ].join('/') } return path } getPropsFromDef (def) { const imageDefSplit = def.split(/#xywh=/i) const imageUrl = imageDefSplit[0] const imageCoords = imageDefSplit[1] const splitCoords = imageCoords.match(/[0-9]+/gi) return { x: splitCoords[0], y: splitCoords[1], w: splitCoords[2], h: splitCoords[3], image: imageUrl } } getVttCss (vttImageDef) { const cssObj = {} // If there isn't a protocol, use the VTT source URL. const baseSplit = this.options.src.split(/([^\/]*)$/gi) vttImageDef = this.getFullyQualifiedUrl(vttImageDef, baseSplit[0]) if (!vttImageDef.match(/#xywh=/i)) { cssObj.background = 'url("' + vttImageDef + '")' return cssObj } const imageProps = this.getPropsFromDef(vttImageDef) cssObj.background = 'url("' + imageProps.image + '") no-repeat -' + imageProps.x + 'px -' + imageProps.y + 'px' cssObj.width = imageProps.w + 'px' cssObj.height = imageProps.h + 'px' return cssObj } doconstructTimestamp (timestamp) { const splitStampMilliseconds = timestamp.split('.') const timeParts = splitStampMilliseconds[0] const timePartsSplit = timeParts.split(':') return { milliseconds: parseInt(splitStampMilliseconds[1]) || 0, seconds: parseInt(timePartsSplit.pop()) || 0, minutes: parseInt(timePartsSplit.pop()) || 0, hours: parseInt(timePartsSplit.pop()) || 0, } } getSecondsFromTimestamp (timestamp) { const timestampParts = this.doconstructTimestamp(timestamp) return parseInt((timestampParts.hours * (60 * 60)) + (timestampParts.minutes * 60) + timestampParts.seconds + (timestampParts.milliseconds * 1000)) } trim (str, charlist) { let whitespace = [ ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\f', '\x0b', '\xa0', '\u2000', '\u2001', '\u2002', '\u2003', '\u2004', '\u2005', '\u2006', '\u2007', '\u2008', '\u2009', '\u200a', '\u200b', '\u2028', '\u2029', '\u3000' ].join('') let l = 0 let i = 0 str += '' if (charlist) { whitespace = (charlist + '').replace(/([[\]().?/*{}+$^:])/g, '$1') } l = str.length for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (whitespace.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) === -1) { str = str.substring(i) break } } l = str.length for (i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (whitespace.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) === -1) { str = str.substring(0, i + 1) break } } return whitespace.indexOf(str.charAt(0)) === -1 ? str : '' } } // Register the plugin with video.js. registerPlugin('vttThumbnails', vttThumbnails) // Include the version number. vttThumbnails.VERSION = VERSION export default vttThumbnails