# Finances for January 2021: ## Donations: Bitcoin (BTC): 0.000021 BTC worth ~0.61€ at the time of publishing (Bitcoin price ~29,093.82€) Monero (XMR): 0.26 XMR worth ~31.95€ at the time of publishing (Monero price ~122.87€) ## Expenses: Domain name: 0.00161133 BTC worth ~45€ at the time of payment VPS: 0.0001536 BTC worth ~4€ at the time of payment ## Current funds: Bitcoin (BTC): 0.0028206 BTC worth ~82.23€ at the time of publishing (Bitcoin price ~29,093.82€) Monero (XMR): 0.26 XMR worth ~31.95€ at the time of publishing (Monero price ~122.87€)