
156 lines
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require "../context"
require "../location"
require "./builder"
require "./metadata"
module Spectator::DSL
# DSL methods for defining examples and test code.
module Examples
include Metadata
# Defines a macro to generate code for an example.
# The *name* is the name given to the macro.
# In addition, another macro is defined that marks the example as pending.
# The pending macro is prefixed with 'x'.
# For instance, `define_example :it` defines `it` and `xit`.
# Default tags can be provided with *tags* and *metadata*.
# The tags are merged with parent groups.
# Any items with falsey values from *metadata* remove the corresponding tag.
macro define_example(name, *tags, **metadata)
# Defines an example.
# If a block is given, it is treated as the code to test.
# The block is provided the current example instance as an argument.
# The first argument names the example (test).
# Typically, this specifies what is being tested.
# It has no effect on the test and is purely used for output.
# If omitted, a name is generated from the first assertion in the test.
# The example will be marked as pending if the block is omitted.
# A block or name must be provided.
# Tags can be specified by adding symbols (keywords) after the first argument.
# Key-value pairs can also be specified.
# Any falsey items will remove a previously defined tag.
macro {{}}(what = nil, *tags, **metadata, &block)
\{% raise "Cannot use '{{}}' inside of a test block" if @def %}
\{% raise "A description or block must be provided. Cannot use '{{}}' alone." unless what || block %}
_spectator_metadata(%metadata, :metadata, {{tags.splat(",")}} {{metadata.double_splat}})
_spectator_metadata(\%metadata, %metadata, \{{tags.splat(",")}} \{{metadata.double_splat}})
\{% if block %}
\{% raise "Block argument count '{{}}' must be 0..1" if block.args.size > 1 %}
private def \%test(\{{block.args.splat}}) : Nil
_spectator_example_name(\{{what}}),\{{block.filename}}, \{{block.line_number}}, \{{block.end_line_number}}),
-> { },
) do |example|
example.with_context(\{{}}) do
\{% if block.args.empty? %}
\{% else %}
\{% end %}
\{% else %}
_spectator_example_name(\{{what}}),\{{what.filename}}, \{{what.line_number}}),
"Not yet implemented"
\{% end %}
define_pending_example :x{{}}, skip: "Temporarily skipped with x{{}}"
# Defines a macro to generate code for a pending example.
# The *name* is the name given to the macro.
# The block for the example's content is discarded at compilation time.
# This prevents issues with undefined methods, signature differences, etc.
# Default tags can be provided with *tags* and *metadata*.
# The tags are merged with parent groups.
# Any items with falsey values from *metadata* remove the corresponding tag.
macro define_pending_example(name, *tags, **metadata)
# Defines a pending example.
# If a block is given, it is treated as the code to test.
# The block is provided the current example instance as an argument.
# The first argument names the example (test).
# Typically, this specifies what is being tested.
# It has no effect on the test and is purely used for output.
# If omitted, a name is generated from the first assertion in the test.
# Tags can be specified by adding symbols (keywords) after the first argument.
# Key-value pairs can also be specified.
# Any falsey items will remove a previously defined tag.
macro {{}}(what = nil, *tags, **metadata, &block)
\{% raise "Cannot use '{{}}' inside of a test block" if @def %}
\{% raise "A description or block must be provided. Cannot use '{{}}' alone." unless what || block %}
\{% raise "Block argument count '{{}}' must be 0..1" if block && block.args.size > 1 %}
_spectator_metadata(%metadata, :metadata, {{tags.splat(",")}} {{metadata.double_splat}})
_spectator_metadata(\%metadata, %metadata, \{{tags.splat(",")}} \{{metadata.double_splat}})
_spectator_example_name(\{{what}}),\{{(what || block).filename}}, \{{(what || block).line_number}}, \{{(what || block).end_line_number}}),
\{% if !block %}"Not yet implemented"\{% end %}
# Inserts the correct representation of a example's name.
# If *what* is a string, then it is dropped in as-is.
# For anything else, it is stringified.
# This is intended to be used to convert a description from the spec DSL to `Node#name`.
private macro _spectator_example_name(what)
{% if what.is_a?(StringLiteral) || what.is_a?(NilLiteral) %}
{% elsif what.is_a?(StringInterpolation) %}
{{}}.new.eval do
rescue e
"<Failed to evaluate example label - #{e.class}: #{e}>"
{% else %}
{% end %}
define_example :example
define_example :it
define_example :specify
define_example :fexample, focus: true
define_example :fit, focus: true
define_example :fspecify, focus: true
@[Deprecated("Behavior of pending blocks will change in Spectator v0.11.0. Use `skip` instead.")]
define_pending_example :pending
define_pending_example :skip