# Example that invokes a closure when it is run. # This is useful for capturing what's going on when an event is running. class SpyExample < Spectator::RunnableExample # Dummy description. def what "SPY" end # Dummy source file. def source_file __FILE__ end # Dummy source line number. def source_line __LINE__ end # Dummy instance. def instance nil end # Captures the sample values when the example is created. def initialize(group, @sample_values) super(group, @sample_values) end # Sample values given to the example. getter sample_values : Spectator::Internals::SampleValues # Harness that was used while running the example. getter! harness : Spectator::Internals::Harness setter block : Proc(Nil)? = nil # Method called by the framework to run the example code. private def run_instance @harness = Spectator::Internals::Harness.current if block = @block block.call end end # Creates a spy example. # The block passed to this method will be executed when the example runs. def self.create(hooks = Spectator::ExampleHooks.empty, conditions = Spectator::ExampleConditions.empty, &block) group = Spectator::RootExampleGroup.new(hooks, conditions) values = Spectator::Internals::SampleValues.empty new(group, values).tap do |example| group.children = [example.as(Spectator::ExampleComponent)] example.block = block end end # Creates a group of spy examples. # Specify the number of examplese to create and a block to invoke when the example is run. # The block is given the index of the example in the group. def self.create_group(count, &block : Int32 -> Nil) values = Spectator::Internals::SampleValues.empty Spectator::RootExampleGroup.new(Spectator::ExampleHooks.empty, Spectator::ExampleConditions.empty).tap do |group| group.children = Array.new(count) do |index| new(group, values).tap do |example| example.block = block.partial(index) end.as(Spectator::ExampleComponent) end end end end