require "./value_matcher" module Spectator::Matchers # Matcher that tests whether a value is in a given range. # The `Range#includes?` method is used for this check. struct RangeMatcher(ExpectedType) < ValueMatcher(ExpectedType) # Short text about the matcher's purpose. # This explains what condition satisfies the matcher. # The description is used when the one-liner syntax is used. def description : String "is in #{expected.label}" end # Returns a new matcher, with the same bounds, but uses an inclusive range. def inclusive label = expected.label new_range =, range.end, exclusive: false) expected =, label) end # Returns a new matcher, with the same bounds, but uses an exclusive range. def exclusive label = expected.label new_range =, range.end, exclusive: true) expected =, label) end # Checks whether the matcher is satisfied with the expression given to it. private def match?(actual : Expression(T)) : Bool forall T actual_value = actual.value expected_value = expected.value if expected_value.is_a?(Range) && actual_value.is_a?(Comparable) return match_impl?(expected_value, actual_value) end return false unless actual_value.is_a?(Comparable(typeof(expected_value.begin))) expected_value.includes?(actual_value) end private def match_impl?(expected_value : Range(B, E), actual_value : Comparable(B)) : Bool forall B, E expected_value.includes?(actual_value) end private def match_impl?(expected_value : Range(B, E), actual_value : T) : Bool forall B, E, T return false unless actual_value.is_a?(B) || actual_value.is_a?(Comparable(B)) expected_value.includes?(actual_value) end private def match_impl?(expected_value : Range(Number, Number), actual_value : Number) : Bool expected_value.includes?(actual_value) end # Message displayed when the matcher isn't satisfied. # # This is only called when `#match?` returns false. # # The message should typically only contain the test expression labels. # Actual values should be returned by `#values`. private def failure_message(actual) : String "#{actual.label} is not in #{expected.label} (#{exclusivity})" end # Message displayed when the matcher isn't satisfied and is negated. # This is essentially what would satisfy the matcher if it wasn't negated. # # This is only called when `#does_not_match?` returns false. # # The message should typically only contain the test expression labels. # Actual values should be returned by `#values`. private def failure_message_when_negated(actual) : String "#{actual.label} is in #{expected.label} (#{exclusivity})" end # Additional information about the match failure. # The return value is a NamedTuple with Strings for each value. private def values(actual) { lower: ">= #{range.begin.inspect}", upper: "#{exclusive? ? "<" : "<="} #{range.end.inspect}", actual: actual.value.inspect, } end # Additional information about the match failure when negated. # The return value is a NamedTuple with Strings for each value. private def negated_values(actual) { lower: "< #{range.begin.inspect}", upper: "#{exclusive? ? ">=" : ">"} #{range.end.inspect}", actual: actual.value.inspect, } end # Gets the expected range. private def range expected.value end # Indicates whether the range is inclusive or exclusive. private def exclusive? range.exclusive? end # Produces a string "inclusive" or "exclusive" based on the range. private def exclusivity exclusive? ? "exclusive" : "inclusive" end end end