require "../spec_helper" Spectator.describe "Stubs Docs" do double :time_double, time_in: Time.utc(2016, 2, 15, 10, 20, 30) double :my_double, something: 42, answer?: false let(dbl) { double(:my_double) } def receive_time_in_utc receive(:time_in).with(:utc).and_return(Time.utc) end it "returns the time in UTC" do dbl = double(:time_double) allow(dbl).to receive_time_in_utc expect(dbl.time_in(:utc) eq("UTC") end context "Modifiers" do double :my_double, something: 42, answer?: false let(dbl) { double(:my_double) } context "and_return" do specify do allow(dbl).to receive(:something).and_return(42) expect(dbl.something).to eq(42) end specify do allow(dbl).to receive(:something).and_return(1, 2, 3) expect(dbl.something).to eq(1) expect(dbl.something).to eq(2) expect(dbl.something).to eq(3) expect(dbl.something).to eq(3) end end context "and_raise" do specify do allow(dbl).to receive(:something).and_raise # Raise `Exception` with no message. expect { dbl.something }.to raise_error(Exception) allow(dbl).to receive(:something).and_raise(IO::Error) # Raise `IO::Error` with no message. expect { dbl.something }.to raise_error(IO::Error) allow(dbl).to receive(:something).and_raise(KeyError, "Missing key: :foo") # Raise `KeyError` with the specified message. expect { dbl.something }.to raise_error(KeyError, "Missing key: :foo") exception ="Malformed") allow(dbl).to receive(:something).and_raise(exception) # Raise `exception`. expect { dbl.something }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Malformed") end end context "with" do specify do allow(dbl).to receive(:answer?).and_return(false) allow(dbl).to receive(:answer?).with(42).and_return(true) expect(dbl.answer?(42)).to be_true expect(dbl.answer?(5)).to be_false end specify do allow(dbl).to receive(:answer?).with(Int, key: /foo/).and_return(true) expect(dbl.answer?(42, key: "foobar")).to be_true end end end context "Expect-Receive Syntax" do class Driver def doit(thing) end end describe Driver do describe "#doit" do double :thing, call: 5 it "calls (1)" do thing = double(:thing) allow(thing).to receive(:call).and_return(42) subject.doit(thing) expect(thing).to have_received(:call) end it "calls (2)" do thing = double(:thing) expect(thing).to receive(:call).and_return(42) subject.doit(thing) end it "calls (3)" do thing = double(:thing) allow(thing).to receive(:call).and_return(42) expect(thing).to_eventually have_received(:call) subject.doit(thing) end end end specify do expect(dbl).to receive(:answer?).with(42).and_return(true) dbl.answer?(42) end end context "Default Stubs" do double :my_double, foo: "foo" do # Default stub for #foo # Default stub for #bar stub def bar "bar" end end it "does something" do dbl = double(:my_double) expect( eq("foo") expect( eq("bar") # Overriding initial defaults. dbl = double(:my_double, foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR") expect( eq("FOO") expect( eq("BAR") end end end