# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ### Fixed - Fix usage of `be ===` and `be =~` [#34](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/34) - Better handling of the `be(nil)` when used with value types. [#37](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/37) ### Changed - Elegantly handle missing/undefined methods with `have_attributes` matcher. ## [0.10.1] - 2021-09-16 ### Fixed - Fix `Spectator.configure` block calls to `filter_run_excluding` and `filter_run_including`. [#61](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/61) - Fix shard version constant creation when lib is in a directory with spaces in the path. [#33](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/merge_requests/33) Thanks @toddsundsted ! - Re-add pre- and post-condition hooks. [#62](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/62) ## [0.10.0] - 2021-08-19 ### Fixed - Fix resolution of types with the same name in nested scopes. [#31](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/31) - `around_each` hooks wrap `before_all` and `after_all` hooks. [#12](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/12) - Hook execution order has been tweaked to match RSpec. ### Added - `before_each`, `after_each`, and `around_each` hooks are yielded the current example as a block argument. - The `let` and `subject` blocks are yielded the current example as a block argument. - Add internal logging that uses Crystal's `Log` utility. Provide the `LOG_LEVEL` environment variable to enable. - Support dynamic creation of examples. - Capture and log information for hooks. - Tags can be added to examples and example groups. - Add matcher to check compiled type of values. - Examples can be skipped by using a `:pending` tag. A reason method can be specified: `pending: "Some excuse"` - Examples without a test block are marked as pending. [#37](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/37) - Examples can be skipped during execution by using `skip` or `pending` in the example block. [#17](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/17) - Sample blocks can be temporarily skipped by using `xsample` or `xrandom_sample`. - Add `before_suite` and `after_suite` hooks. [#21](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/21) - Support defining hooks in `Spectator.configure` block. [#21](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/21) - Examples with failures or skipped during execution will report the location of that result. [#57](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/57) - Support custom messages for failed expectations. [#28](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/28) - Allow named arguments and assignments for `provided` (`given`) block. - Add `aggregate_failures` to capture and report multiple failed expectations. [#24](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/24) - Supports matching groups. [#25](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/25) [#24](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/24) - Add `filter_run_including`, `filter_run_excluding`, and `filter_run_when_matching` to config block. - By default, only run tests when any are marked with `focus: true`. - Add "f-prefix" blocks for examples and groups (`fit`, `fdescribe`, etc.) as a short-hand for specifying `focus: true`. - Add HTML formatter. Operates the same as the JUnit formatter. Specify `--html_output=DIR` to use. [#22](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/22) [#3](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/3) ### Changed - `given` (now `provided`) blocks changed to produce a single example. `it` can no longer be nested in a `provided` block. - The "should" syntax no longer reports the source as inside Spectator. - Short-hand "should" syntax must be included by using `require "spectator/should"` - `it { should eq("foo") }` - Better error messages and detection when DSL methods are used when they shouldn't (i.e. `describe` inside `it`). - Prevent usage of reserved keywords in DSL (such as `initialize`). - The count argument for `sample` and `random_sample` groups must be named (use `count: 5` instead of just `5`). - Helper methods used as arguments for `sample` and `random_sample` must be class methods. - Simplify and reduce instanced types and generics. Should speed up compilation times. - Overhaul example creation and handling. - Overhaul storage of test values. - Overhaul reporting and formatting. Cleaner output for failures and pending tests. - Cleanup and simplify DSL implementation. - Other minor internal improvements and cleanup. ### Deprecated - `pending` blocks will behave differently in v0.11.0. They will mimic RSpec in that they _compile and run_ the block expecting it to fail. Use a `skip` (or `xit`) block instead to prevent compiling the example. - `given` has been renamed to `provided`. The `given` keyword may be reused later for memoization. ### Removed - Removed one-liner `it`-syntax without braces (block). ## [0.9.40] - 2021-07-10 ### Fixed - Fix stubbing of class methods. - Fix handling of `no_args` in some cases. ### Changed - Better handling and stubbing of `Process.exit`. ## [0.9.39] - 2021-07-02 ### Fixed - Fix `expect().to receive()` syntax not implicitly stubbing the method. - Avoid calling `NoReturn` methods from stubs. [#29](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/29) ### Added - Added support for `with(no_args)` for method stubs. [#28](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/28) - Allow creation of doubles without definition block. [#30](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/30) ## [0.9.38] - 2021-05-27 ### Fixed - Fix `Channel::ClosedError` when using default Crystal Logger. [#27](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/27) ## [0.9.37] - 2021-05-19 ### Added - Added support for `be ===` and `be =~`. [#26](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/26) ## [0.9.36] - 2021-04-22 ### Fixed - Remove old workaround that prevented compilation on Windows. [#58](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/58) ## [0.9.35] - 2021-04-18 ### Fixed - Allow types stored in variables or returned by methods in `be_a` (and variants), not just type literals. [#25](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/25) ## [0.9.34] - 2021-03-31 ### Changed - Allow filtering examples by using any line in the example block. [#19](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/19) Thanks @matthewmcgarvey ! ## [0.9.33] - 2021-03-22 ### Changed - Target Crystal 1.0 ## [0.9.32] - 2021-02-03 ### Fixed - Fix source reference with brace-less example syntax. [#20](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/20) ## [0.9.31] - 2021-01-08 ### Fixed - Fix misaligned line numbers when referencing examples and groups. ## [0.9.30] - 2020-12-23 ### Fixed - Fix issue caused by additions from 0.9.29. ### Changed - Improve the `contain`, `contain_elements`, `have`, and `have_elements` to show missing items in output. ## [0.9.29] - 2020-12-23 ### Added - Add variants `contain_elements` and `have_elements`, which behave like `contain` and `have` matchers except that they take an array (or any enumerable type) instead of a parameter list or splat. ## [0.9.28] - 2020-11-07 ### Added - Add `return_type` option to method stubs. ## [0.9.27] - 2020-10-01 ### Added - Add syntax for stubbing operator-style methods, such as `[]`. ## [0.9.26] - 2020-09-27 ### Fixed - Fix issue with yielding in stubbed mocks. ## [0.9.25] - 2020-09-26 ### Fixed - Fix issue with splatting values for failed match data. This prevented the use of "description" and "failure_message" in some matches like `respond_to`. ## [0.9.24] - 2020-09-17 ### Changed - Allow some forms of string interpolation in group and example descriptions. ## [0.9.23] - 2020-08-30 ### Fixed - Allow the use of `object_id` and other possibly conflicting method names via `let`. [#53](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/53) ## [0.9.22] - 2020-08-11 ### Changed - Handle splat in macro for matcher DSL. [#8](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/8) ## [0.9.21] - 2020-07-27 ### Added - Display random seed when using `-r` or `--seed` options. [#7](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/7) ## [0.9.20] - 2020-05-29 ### Fixed - Fix bug when using multiple short-hand block expects in one test. ## [0.9.19] - 2020-05-28 ### Fixed - Fix issue with `match_array` and `contain_exactly` matchers not working with immutable collections. ## [0.9.18] - 2020-04-26 ### Fixed - Fix `describe_class.new` when using a generic type. ## [0.9.17] - 2020-04-23 ### Fixed - Fix issue when using deferred syntax with `receive` matcher. [#48](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/48) ## [0.9.16] - 2020-04-06 ### Fixed - Silence warnings from Crystal 0.34 ## [0.9.15] - 2020-04-03 ### Fixed - Fix issues with `match_array().in_any_order` and `contain_exactly().in_any_order`. [#47](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/47) ### Changed - Improve usability when actual value does not respond to methods needed to verify it. For instance, `expect(nil).to contain_exactly(:foo)` would not compile. This has been changed so that it compiles and raises an error at runtime with a useful message. ## [0.9.14] - 2020-04-01 ### Fixed - Fix using nil with `be` matcher. [#45](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/45) ## [0.9.13] - 2020-03-28 ### Fixed - Fix arguments not found in default stubs for mocks. [#44](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/44) ## [0.9.12] - 2020-03-20 ### Fixed - Fix issue when mocking modules. Thanks @watzon ! ## [0.9.11] - 2020-03-04 ### Fixed - Fix issue when describing constants. [#40](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/40) [#41](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/41) ## [0.9.10] - 2020-03-03 ### Changed - Smarter behavior when omitting the block argument to the `around_each` hook. ## [0.9.9] - 2020-02-22 ### Fixed - Fix implicit subject when used with a module. [#6](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/6) ## [0.9.8] - 2020-02-21 ### Fixed - Fix `be_between` matcher. Thanks @davidepaolotua / @jinn999 ! ## [0.9.7] - 2020-02-16 ### Fixed - Fix memoization of subject when using a type name for the context. - Fix some cases when mocking a class method. ## [0.9.6] - 2020-02-10 ### Added - Add short-hand "should" syntax - `it { should eq("foo") }` - The `be` matcher can be used on value types. - Add more tests cases from RSpec docs. ### Fixed - Fix an issue with stubbed class methods on mocked types. Sometimes `previous_def` was used when `super` should have been used instead. - Fix deferred expectations not running after all hooks. ## [0.9.5] - 2020-01-19 ### Changed - Described type is now considered an explicit subject. ## [0.9.4] - 2020-01-19 ### Added - Add more test cases from RSpec docs. - Add `it_fails` utility to test expected failures. ### Fixed - Fix negated case for `respond_to` matcher. ## [0.9.3] - 2020-01-17 ### Fixed - Fix implicit subject overwriting explicit subject. [#25](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/merge_requests/25) ## [0.9.2] - 2020-01-14 ### Added - Add tests from RSpec docs. - Add `with_message` modifier for `raise_error` matcher. - Support omitted description on `it` and `specify` blocks. Use matcher description by default. ### Fixed - Fix `let!` not inferring return type. [#4](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/4) ### Changed - Modified some matchers to behave more closely to their RSpec counterparts. ## [0.9.1] - 2019-12-13 ### Fixed - Fix default stub with type. - Fix verifying double on self argument type. - Pass stub instead of stub name to mock registry. ### Removed - Remove unnecessary type from stub class hierarchy. ## [0.9.0] - 2019-12-08 ### Added - Implement initial mocks and doubles (stubbing) support. [#16](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/merge_requests/16) [#6](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/6) - Deferred expectations (`to_eventually` and `to_never`). ### Changed - Test cases no longer define an entire class, but rather a method in a class belonging to the group. ## [0.8.3] - 2019-09-23 ### Fixed - Fix and address warnings with Crystal 0.31.0. ## [0.8.2] - 2019-08-21 ### Fixed - Workaround for Crystal compiler bug [#7060](https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/issues/7060). [#1](https://github.com/icy-arctic-fox/spectator/issues/1) ## [0.8.1] - 2019-08-17 ### Fixed - Fix nested `sample_value` blocks giving cryptic error. [#20](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/20) ## [0.8.0] - 2019-08-12 ### Added - Add "any order" modifier for `contains_exactly` and `match_array`. - Add `change` matcher and its variations. - Add `all` matcher. - Variation of `let` syntax that takes an assignment. ### Changed - Rewrote matcher class structure. - Improved tracking of actual and expected values and their labels. - Matcher values are only produced when the match fails, instead of always. ### Fixed - Fix malformed code generated by macros not working in latest Crystal version. ## [0.7.2] - 2019-06-01 ### Fixed - Reference types used in `subject` and `let` were recreated between hooks and the test block. [#11](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/11) ## [0.7.1] - 2019-05-21 ### Fixed - Fixed an issue where named subjects could crash the compiler. ## [0.7.0] - 2019-05-16 ### Added - Added `be_between` matcher. ### Changed - The `be_within` matcher behaves like RSpec's. ## [0.6.0] - 2019-05-08 ### Changed - Introduced reference matcher and changed `be` matcher to use it instead of the case matcher. ### Removed - Removed regex matcher, the case matcher is used instead. ## [0.5.3] - 2019-05-08 ### Fixed - Updated the `expect_raises` matcher to accept an optional second argument to mimic `raise_error`. [#4](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/4) ## [0.5.2] - 2019-04-22 ### Fixed - Fix `after_all` hooks not running with fail-fast enabled. [#2](https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/issues/2) ## [0.5.1] - 2019-04-18 ### Added - Note in README regarding repository mirror. ### Fixed - Change protection on expectation partial to work with Crystal 0.28 and "should" syntax. - Change references to `Time.now` to `Time.utc` in docs. ## [0.5.0] - 2019-04-07 First version ready for public use. [Unreleased]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.10.1...master [0.10.1]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.10.0...v0.10.1 [0.10.0]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.40...v0.10.0 [0.9.40]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.39...v0.9.40 [0.9.39]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.38...v0.9.39 [0.9.38]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.37...v0.9.38 [0.9.37]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.36...v0.9.37 [0.9.36]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.35...v0.9.36 [0.9.35]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.34...v0.9.35 [0.9.34]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.33...v0.9.34 [0.9.33]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.32...v0.9.33 [0.9.32]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.31...v0.9.32 [0.9.31]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.30...v0.9.31 [0.9.30]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.29...v0.9.30 [0.9.29]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.28...v0.9.29 [0.9.28]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.27...v0.9.28 [0.9.27]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.26...v0.9.27 [0.9.26]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.25...v0.9.26 [0.9.25]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.24...v0.9.25 [0.9.24]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.23...v0.9.24 [0.9.23]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.22...v0.9.23 [0.9.22]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.21...v0.9.22 [0.9.21]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.20...v0.9.21 [0.9.20]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.19...v0.9.20 [0.9.19]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.18...v0.9.19 [0.9.18]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.17...v0.9.18 [0.9.17]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.16...v0.9.17 [0.9.16]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.15...v0.9.16 [0.9.15]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.14...v0.9.15 [0.9.14]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.13...v0.9.14 [0.9.13]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.12...v0.9.13 [0.9.12]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.11...v0.9.12 [0.9.11]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.10...v0.9.11 [0.9.10]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.9...v0.9.10 [0.9.9]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.8...v0.9.9 [0.9.8]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.7...v0.9.8 [0.9.7]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.6...v0.9.7 [0.9.6]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.5...v0.9.6 [0.9.5]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.4...v0.9.5 [0.9.4]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.3...v0.9.4 [0.9.3]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.2...v0.9.3 [0.9.2]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.1...v0.9.2 [0.9.1]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.9.0...v0.9.1 [0.9.0]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.8.3...v0.9.0 [0.8.3]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.8.2...v0.8.3 [0.8.2]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.8.1...v0.8.2 [0.8.1]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.8.0...v0.8.1 [0.8.0]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.7.2...v0.8.0 [0.7.2]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.7.1...v0.7.2 [0.7.1]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.7.0...v0.7.1 [0.7.0]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.6.0...v0.7.0 [0.6.0]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.5.2...v0.6.0 [0.5.3]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.5.2...v0.5.3 [0.5.2]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.5.1...v0.5.2 [0.5.1]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/compare/v0.5.0...v0.5.1 [0.5.0]: https://gitlab.com/arctic-fox/spectator/-/releases/v0.5.0