require "./result" module Spectator # Outcome that indicates an example failed. # This typically means an assertion did not pass. class FailResult < Result # Error that occurred while running the example. # This describes the primary reason for the failure. getter error : Exception # Creates a failure result. # The *elapsed* argument is the length of time it took to run the example. # The *error* is the exception raised that caused the failure. def initialize(elapsed, @error, expectations = [] of Expectation) super(elapsed, expectations) end # Calls the `failure` method on *visitor*. def accept(visitor) end # Calls the `failure` method on *visitor*. def accept(visitor) self) end # Indicates whether the example passed. def pass? : Bool false end # Indicates whether the example failed. def fail? : Bool true end # One-word description of the result. def to_s(io) io << "fail" end # Adds all of the JSON fields for finished results and failed results. private def add_json_fields(json : ::JSON::Builder) super json.field("error", error.message) end end end