require "./label" require "./location" require "./metadata" module Spectator # A single item in a test spec. # This is commonly an `Example` or `ExampleGroup`, # but can be anything that should be iterated over when running the spec. abstract class Node # Default text used if none was given by the user for skipping a node. DEFAULT_PENDING_REASON = "No reason given" # Location of the node in source code. getter! location : Location # User-provided name or description of the node. # This does not include the group name or descriptions. # Use `#to_s` to get the full name. # # This value will be nil if no name was provided. # In this case, and the node is a runnable example, # the name should be set to the description # of the first matcher that runs in the test case. # # If this value is a `Symbol`, the user specified a type for the name. getter! name : Label # Updates the name of the node. protected def name=(@name : String) end # User-defined tags and values used for filtering and behavior modification. def metadata : Metadata @metadata ||= end # Creates the node. # The *name* describes the purpose of the node. # It can be a `Symbol` to describe a type. # The *location* tracks where the node exists in source code. # A set of *metadata* can be used for filtering and modifying example behavior. def initialize(@name : Label = nil, @location : Location? = nil, @metadata : Metadata? = nil) end # Indicates whether the node has completed. abstract def finished? : Bool # Checks if the node has been marked as pending. # Pending items should be skipped during execution. def pending? return false unless md = @metadata md.has_key?(:pending) || md.has_key?(:skip) end # Gets the reason the node has been marked as pending. def pending_reason return DEFAULT_PENDING_REASON unless md = @metadata md[:pending]? || md[:skip]? || md[:reason]? || DEFAULT_PENDING_REASON end # Retrieves just the tag names applied to the node. def tags if md = @metadata else end end # Non-nil name used to show the node name. def display_name @name || "" end # Constructs the full name or description of the node. # This prepends names of groups this node is part of. def to_s(io : IO) : Nil display_name.to_s(io) end # Exposes information about the node useful for debugging. def inspect(io : IO) : Nil # Full node name. io << '"' << self << '"' # Add location if it's available. if (location = self.location) io << " @ " << location end end end end