require "json" require "./expression" require "./location" module Spectator # Result of evaluating a matcher on a target. # Contains information about the match, # such as whether it was successful and a description of the operation. struct Expectation # Location of the expectation in source code. # This can be nil if the location can't be captured, # for instance using the *should* syntax or dynamically created expectations. getter! location : Location # Indicates whether the expectation was met. def satisfied? @match_data.matched? end # Indicates whether the expectation was not met. def failed? !satisfied? end # If nil, then the match was successful. def failure_message? return unless match_data = case message = @message when String then message when Proc(String) then @message = # Cache result of call. else match_data.failure_message end end # Description of why the match failed. def failure_message failure_message?.not_nil! end # Additional information about the match, useful for debug. # If nil, then the match was successful. def values? end # Additional information about the match, useful for debug. def values values?.not_nil! end def description @match_data.description end # Creates the expectation. # The *match_data* comes from the result of calling `Matcher#match`. # The *location* is the location of the expectation in source code, if available. # A custom *message* can be used in case of a failure. def initialize(@match_data : Matchers::MatchData, @location : Location? = nil, @message : String? | Proc(String) = nil) end # Creates the JSON representation of the expectation. def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) json.object do if location = @location json.field("file_path", location.path) json.field("line_number", location.line) end json.field("satisfied", satisfied?) if (failed = failed_to_json(failed, json) end end end # Adds failure information to a JSON structure. private def failed_to_json(failed : Matchers::FailedMatchData, json : JSON::Builder) json.field("failure", failed.failure_message) json.field("values") do json.object do failed.values.each do |pair| json.field(pair.first, pair.last) end end end end # Stores part of an expectation. # This covers the actual value (or block) being inspected and its location. # This is the type returned by an `expect` block in the DSL. # It is not intended to be used directly, but instead by chaining methods. # Typically `#to` and `#not_to` are used. struct Target(T) # Creates the expectation target. # The *expression* is the actual value being tested and its label. # The *location* is the location of where this expectation was defined. def initialize(@expression : Expression(T), @location : Location) end # Asserts that a method is called some point before the example completes. @[AlwaysInline] def to(stub : Stub, message = nil) : Nil {% raise "The syntax `expect(...).to receive(...)` requires the expression passed to `expect` be stubbable (a mock or double)" unless T < ::Spectator::Stubbable || T < ::Spectator::StubbedType %} to_eventually(stub, message) end # Asserts that some criteria defined by the matcher is satisfied. # Allows a custom message to be used. def to(matcher, message = nil) : Nil match_data = matcher.match(@expression) report(match_data, message) end # Asserts that some criteria defined by the matcher is satisfied. # Allows a custom message to be used. # Returns the expected value cast as the expected type, if the matcher is satisfied. def to(matcher : Matchers::TypeMatcher(U), message = nil) forall U match_data = matcher.match(@expression) value = @expression.value if report(match_data, message) return value if value.is_a?(U) raise "Spectator bug: expected value should have cast to #{U}" else raise"#{@expression.label} is expected to be a #{U}, but was actually #{value.class}") end end # Asserts that a method is not called before the example completes. @[AlwaysInline] def to_not(stub : Stub, message = nil) : Nil {% raise "The syntax `expect(...).to_not receive(...)` requires the expression passed to `expect` be stubbable (a mock or double)" unless T < ::Spectator::Stubbable || T < ::Spectator::StubbedType %} to_never(stub, message) end # :ditto: @[AlwaysInline] def not_to(stub : Stub, message = nil) : Nil to_not(stub, message) end # Asserts that some criteria defined by the matcher is not satisfied. # This is effectively the opposite of `#to`. # Allows a custom message to be used. def to_not(matcher, message = nil) : Nil match_data = matcher.negated_match(@expression) report(match_data, message) end # Asserts that some criteria defined by the matcher is not satisfied. # Allows a custom message to be used. # Returns the expected value cast without the unexpected type, if the matcher is satisfied. def to_not(matcher : Matchers::TypeMatcher(U), message = nil) forall U match_data = matcher.negated_match(@expression) value = @expression.value if report(match_data, message) return value unless value.is_a?(U) raise "Spectator bug: expected value should not be #{U}" else raise"#{@expression.label} is not expected to be a #{U}, but was actually #{value.class}") end end # Asserts that some criteria defined by the matcher is not satisfied. # Allows a custom message to be used. # Returns the expected value cast as a non-nillable type, if the matcher is satisfied. def to_not(matcher : Matchers::NilMatcher, message = nil) match_data = matcher.negated_match(@expression) if report(match_data, message) value = @expression.value return value unless value.nil? raise "Spectator bug: expected value should not be nil" else raise"#{@expression.label} is not expected to be nil.") end end # :ditto: @[AlwaysInline] def not_to(matcher, message = nil) : Nil to_not(matcher, message) end # Asserts that a method is called some point before the example completes. def to_eventually(stub : Stub, message = nil) : Nil {% raise "The syntax `expect(...).to_eventually receive(...)` requires the expression passed to `expect` be stubbable (a mock or double)" unless T < ::Spectator::Stubbable || T < ::Spectator::StubbedType %} stubbable = @expression.value unless stubbable._spectator_stub_for_method?(stub.method) # Add stub without an argument constraint. # Avoids confusing logic like this: # ``` # expect(dbl).to receive(:foo).with(:bar) # # ``` # Notice that `#foo` is called, but with different arguments. # Normally this would raise an error, but that should be prevented. unconstrained_stub = stub.with(Arguments.any) stubbable._spectator_define_stub(unconstrained_stub) end # Apply the stub that is expected to be called. stubbable._spectator_define_stub(stub) # Check if the stub was invoked after the test completes. matcher = Harness.current.defer { to(matcher, message) } # Prevent leaking stubs between tests. Harness.current.cleanup { stubbable._spectator_remove_stub(stub) } end # Asserts that some criteria defined by the matcher is eventually satisfied. # The expectation is checked after the example finishes and all hooks have run. # Allows a custom message to be used. def to_eventually(matcher, message = nil) : Nil Harness.current.defer { to(matcher, message) } end # Asserts that a method is not called before the example completes. def to_never(stub : Stub, message = nil) : Nil {% raise "The syntax `expect(...).to_never receive(...)` requires the expression passed to `expect` be stubbable (a mock or double)" unless T < ::Spectator::Stubbable || T < ::Spectator::StubbedType %} stubbable = @expression.value unless stubbable._spectator_stub_for_method?(stub.method) # Add stub without an argument constraint. # Avoids confusing logic like this: # ``` # expect(dbl).to receive(:foo).with(:bar) # # ``` # Notice that `#foo` is called, but with different arguments. # Normally this would raise an error, but that should be prevented. unconstrained_stub = stub.with(Arguments.any) stubbable._spectator_define_stub(unconstrained_stub) end # Apply the stub that could be called in case it is. stubbable._spectator_define_stub(stub) # Check if the stub was invoked after the test completes. matcher = Harness.current.defer { to_not(matcher, message) } # Prevent leaking stubs between tests. Harness.current.cleanup { stubbable._spectator_remove_stub(stub) } end # :ditto: @[AlwaysInline] def never_to(stub : Stub, message = nil) : Nil to_never(stub, message) end # Asserts that some criteria defined by the matcher is never satisfied. # The expectation is checked after the example finishes and all hooks have run. # Allows a custom message to be used. def to_never(matcher, message = nil) : Nil Harness.current.defer { to_not(matcher, message) } end # :ditto: @[AlwaysInline] def never_to(matcher, message = nil) : Nil to_never(matcher, message) end # Reports an expectation to the current harness. private def report(match_data : Matchers::MatchData, message : String? | Proc(String) = nil) expectation =, @location, message) end end end end