require "./context" require "./example_context_method" require "./null_context" module Spectator # Stores a test context and a method to call within it. # This is a variant of `ContextDelegate` that accepts the current running example. struct ExampleContextDelegate # Retrieves the underlying context. protected getter context : Context # Creates the delegate. # The *context* is the instance of the test context. # The *method* is proc that downcasts *context* and calls a method on it. def initialize(@context : Context, @method : ExampleContextMethod) end # Creates a delegate with a null context. # The context will be ignored and the block will be executed in its original scope. # The example instance will be provided as an argument to the block. def self.null(&block : Example -> _) context = method = { |example| } new(context, method) end # Invokes a method in the test context. # The *example* is the current running example. def call(example : Example), @context) end end end