require "./example_context_delegate" require "./example_group" require "./harness" require "./location" require "./node" require "./pending_result" require "./result" require "./metadata" module Spectator # Standard example that runs a test case. class Example < Node # Currently running example. class_getter! current : Example # Group the node belongs to. getter! group : ExampleGroup # Assigns the node to the specified *group*. # This is an internal method and should only be called from `ExampleGroup`. # `ExampleGroup` manages the association of nodes to groups. protected setter group : ExampleGroup? # Indicates whether the example already ran. getter? finished : Bool = false # Result of the last time the example ran. # Is pending if the example hasn't run. getter result : Result ="Example not run") @name_proc : Proc(Example, String)? # Creates the example. # An instance to run the test code in is given by *context*. # The *entrypoint* defines the test code (typically inside *context*). # The *name* describes the purpose of the example. # The *location* tracks where the example exists in source code. # The example will be assigned to *group* if it is provided. # A set of *metadata* can be used for filtering and modifying example behavior. # Note: The metadata will not be merged with the parent metadata. def initialize(@context : Context, @entrypoint : self ->, name : String? = nil, location : Location? = nil, @group : ExampleGroup? = nil, metadata = nil) super(name, location, metadata) # Ensure group is linked. group << self if group end # Creates the example. # An instance to run the test code in is given by *context*. # The *entrypoint* defines the test code (typically inside *context*). # The *name* describes the purpose of the example. # It can be a proc to be evaluated in the context of the example. # The *location* tracks where the example exists in source code. # The example will be assigned to *group* if it is provided. # A set of *metadata* can be used for filtering and modifying example behavior. # Note: The metadata will not be merged with the parent metadata. def initialize(@context : Context, @entrypoint : self ->, @name_proc : Example -> String, location : Location? = nil, @group : ExampleGroup? = nil, metadata = nil) super(nil, location, metadata) # Ensure group is linked. group << self if group end # Creates a dynamic example. # A block provided to this method will be called as-if it were the test code for the example. # The block will be given this example instance as an argument. # The *name* describes the purpose of the example. # It can be a `Symbol` to describe a type. # The *location* tracks where the example exists in source code. # The example will be assigned to *group* if it is provided. # A set of *metadata* can be used for filtering and modifying example behavior. # Note: The metadata will not be merged with the parent metadata. def initialize(name : String? = nil, location : Location? = nil, @group : ExampleGroup? = nil, metadata = nil, &block : self ->) super(name, location, metadata) @context = @entrypoint = block # Ensure group is linked. group << self if group end # Creates a pending example. # The *name* describes the purpose of the example. # It can be a `Symbol` to describe a type. # The *location* tracks where the example exists in source code. # The example will be assigned to *group* if it is provided. # A set of *metadata* can be used for filtering and modifying example behavior. # Note: The metadata will not be merged with the parent metadata. def self.pending(name : String? = nil, location : Location? = nil, group : ExampleGroup? = nil, metadata = nil, reason = nil) # Add pending tag and reason if they don't exist. tags = {:pending => nil, :reason => reason} metadata = metadata ? metadata.merge(tags) { |_, v, _| v } : tags new(name, location, group, metadata) { nil } end # Executes the test case. # Returns the result of the execution. # The result will also be stored in `#result`. def run : Result Log.debug { "Running example: #{self}" } Log.warn { "Example already ran: #{self}" } if @finished if pending? Log.debug { "Skipping example #{self} - marked pending" } @finished = true return @result = end previous_example = @@current @@current = self begin @result = do if proc = @name_proc = end @group.try(&.call_before_all) if (parent = @group) parent.call_around_each(procsy).call else run_internal end if (parent = @group) parent.call_after_all if parent.finished? end end ensure @@current = previous_example @finished = true end end private def run_internal if group = @group group.call_before_each(self) group.call_pre_condition(self) end Log.trace { "Running example code for: #{self}" } @finished = true Log.trace { "Finished running example code for: #{self}" } if group = @group group.call_post_condition(self) group.call_after_each(self) end end # Executes code within the example's test context. # This is an advanced method intended for internal usage only. # # The *klass* defines the type of the test context. # This is typically only known by the code constructing the example. # An error will be raised if *klass* doesn't match the test context's type. # The block given to this method will be executed within the test context. # # The context casted to an instance of *klass* is provided as a block argument. # # TODO: Benchmark compiler performance using this method versus client-side casting in a proc. protected def with_context(klass, &) context = klass.cast(@context) with context yield end # Casts the example's test context to a specific type. # This is an advanced method intended for internal usage only. # # The *klass* defines the type of the test context. # This is typically only known by the code constructing the example. # An error will be raised if *klass* doesn't match the test context's type. # # The context casted to an instance of *klass* is returned. # # TODO: Benchmark compiler performance using this method versus client-side casting in a proc. protected def cast_context(klass) klass.cast(@context) end # Yields this example and all parent groups. def ascend(&) node = self while node yield node node = end end # Constructs the full name or description of the example. # This prepends names of groups this example is part of. def to_s(io : IO) : Nil name = @name # Prefix with group's full name if the node belongs to a group. if (parent = @group) parent.to_s(io) # Add padding between the node names # only if the names don't appear to be symbolic. # Skip blank group names (like the root group). io << ' ' unless ! || # ameba:disable Style/NegatedConditionsInUnless ( && name.is_a?(String) && (name.starts_with?('#') || name.starts_with?('.'))) end super end # Exposes information about the example useful for debugging. def inspect(io : IO) : Nil super io << " - " << result end # Creates the JSON representation of the example, # which is just its name. def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field("description", name? || "") json.field("full_description", to_s) if location = location? json.field("file_path", location.path) json.field("line_number", location.line) end @result.to_json(json) if @finished end end # Creates a procsy from this example that runs the example. def procsy { run_internal } end # Creates a procsy from this example and the provided block. def procsy(&block : ->), &block) end # Wraps an example to behave like a `Proc`. # This is typically used for an *around_each* hook. # Invoking `#call` or `#run` will run the example. struct Procsy # Underlying example that will run. getter example : Example # Creates the example proxy. # The *example* should be run eventually. # The *proc* defines the block of code to run when `#call` or `#run` is invoked. def initialize(@example : Example, &@proc : ->) end # Invokes the proc. def call : Nil end # Invokes the proc. def run : Nil end # Creates a new procsy for a block and the example from this instance. def wrap(&block : ->) : self, &block) end # Executes code within the example's test context. # This is an advanced method intended for internal usage only. # # The *klass* defines the type of the test context. # This is typically only known by the code constructing the example. # An error will be raised if *klass* doesn't match the test context's type. # The block given to this method will be executed within the test context. # # TODO: Benchmark compiler performance using this method versus client-side casting in a proc. protected def with_context(klass, &) context = @example.cast_context(klass) with context yield end # Allow instance to behave like an example. forward_missing_to @example # Constructs the full name or description of the example. # This prepends names of groups this example is part of. def to_s(io : IO) : Nil @example.to_s(io) end end end end