require "../block" require "../example_pending" require "../expectation" require "../expectation_failed" require "../location" require "../pending_result" require "../value" module Spectator::DSL # Methods and macros for asserting that conditions are met. module Expectations # Immediately fail the current test. # A reason can be specified with *message*. def fail(message = "Example failed", *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) raise, _line), message) end # Mark the current test as pending and immediately abort. # A reason can be specified with *message*. def pending(message = PendingResult::DEFAULT_REASON, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) raise, _line), message) end # Mark the current test as skipped and immediately abort. # A reason can be specified with *message*. def skip(message = PendingResult::DEFAULT_REASON, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) raise, _line), message) end # Starts an expectation. # This should be followed up with `Assertion::Target#to` or `Assertion::Target#to_not`. # The value passed in will be checked to see if it satisfies the conditions of the specified matcher. # # This macro should be used like so: # ``` # expect(actual).to eq(expected) # ``` # # Where the actual value is returned by the system under test, # and the expected value is what the actual value should be to satisfy the condition. macro expect(actual) {% raise "Cannot use 'expect' outside of a test block" unless @def %} %actual = begin {{actual}} end %expression =, {{actual.stringify}}) %location ={{actual.filename}}, {{actual.line_number}}), %location) end # Starts an expectation. # This should be followed up with `Assertion::Target#to` or `Assertion::Target#not_to`. # The value passed in will be checked to see if it satisfies the conditions of the specified matcher. # # This macro should be used like so: # ``` # expect { raise "foo" }.to raise_error # ``` # # The block of code is passed along for validation to the matchers. # # The short, one argument syntax used for passing methods to blocks can be used. # So instead of doing this: # ``` # expect(subject.size).to eq(5) # ``` # # The following syntax can be used instead: # ``` # expect(&.size).to eq(5) # ``` # # The method passed will always be evaluated on the subject. # # TECHNICAL NOTE: # This macro uses an ugly hack to detect the short-hand syntax. # # The Crystal compiler will translate: # ``` # &.foo # ``` # # effectively to: # ``` # { |__arg0| } # ``` macro expect(&block) {% raise "Cannot use 'expect' outside of a test block" unless @def %} {% if block.args.size == 1 && block.args[0] =~ /^__arg\d+$/ && block.body.is_a?(Call) && =~ /^__arg\d+\./ %} {% method_name ='.')[1..-1].join('.') %} %block ={{"#" + method_name}}) do subject.{{}} end {% elsif block.args.empty? %} %block ={{"`" + block.body.stringify + "`"}}) {{block}} {% else %} {% raise "Unexpected block arguments in 'expect' call" %} {% end %} %location ={{block.filename}}, {{block.line_number}}), %location) end # Short-hand for expecting something of the subject. # # These two are functionally equivalent: # ``` # expect(subject).to eq("foo") # eq("foo") # ``` macro is_expected {% raise "Cannot use 'is_expected' outside of a test block" unless @def %} expect(subject) end # Short-hand form of `#is_expected` that can be used for one-liner syntax. # # For instance: # ``` # it "is 42" do # expect(subject).to eq(42) # end # ``` # # Can be shortened to: # ``` # it { is(42) } # ``` # # These three are functionally equivalent: # ``` # expect(subject).to eq("foo") # eq("foo") # is("foo") # ``` # # See also: `#is_not` macro is(expected) {% raise "Cannot use 'is' outside of a test block" unless @def %} expect(subject).to(eq({{expected}})) end # Short-hand, negated form of `#is_expected` that can be used for one-liner syntax. # # For instance: # ``` # it "is not 42" do # expect(subject).to_not eq(42) # end # ``` # # Can be shortened to: # ``` # it { is_not(42) } # ``` # # These three are functionally equivalent: # ``` # expect(subject).not_to eq("foo") # is_expected.not_to eq("foo") # is_not("foo") # ``` # # See also: `#is` macro is_not(expected) {% raise "Cannot use 'is_not' outside of a test block" unless @def %} expect(subject).not_to(eq({{expected}})) end # Captures multiple possible failures. # Aborts after the block completes if there were any failed expectations in the block. # # ``` # aggregate_failures do # expect(true).to be_false # expect(false).to be_true # end # ``` def aggregate_failures(label = nil, &) ::Spectator::Harness.current.aggregate_failures(label) do yield end end end end