require "./error_result" require "./pass_result" require "./result" module Spectator # Helper class that acts as a gateway between test code and the framework. # This is essentially an "example runner." # # Test code should be wrapped with a call to `.run`. # This class will catch all errors raised by the test code. # Errors caused by failed assertions (`AssertionFailed`) are translated to failed results (`FailResult`). # Errors not caused by assertions are translated to error results (`ErrorResult`). # # Every runnable example should invoke the test code by calling `.run`. # This sets up the harness so that the test code can use it. # The framework does the following: # ``` # result = { } # # Do something with the result. # ``` # Then from the test code, the harness can be accessed via `.current` like so: # ``` # harness = ::Spectator::Harness.current # # Do something with the harness. # ``` # Of course, the end-user shouldn't see this or work directly with the harness. # Instead, methods the user calls can access it. # For instance, an assertion reporting a result. private class Harness # Retrieves the harness for the current running example. class_getter! current : self # Wraps an example with a harness and runs test code. # A block provided to this method is considered to be the test code. # The value of `.current` is set to the harness for the duration of the test. # It will be reset after the test regardless of the outcome. # The result of running the test code will be returned. def : Result harness = new previous = @@current @@current = harness result = { yield } @@current = previous result end @deferred = Deque(->).new # Runs test code and produces a result based on the outcome. # The test code should be called from within the block given to this method. def run : Result outcome = capture { yield } run_deferred # TODO: Handle errors in deferred blocks. translate(*outcome) end # Stores a block of code to be executed later. # All deferred blocks run just before the `#run` method completes. def defer(&block) : Nil @deferred << block end # Yields to run the test code and returns information about the outcome. # Returns a tuple with the elapsed time and an error if one occurred (otherwise nil). private def capture error = elapsed = Time.measure do begin yield rescue e error = e end end {elapsed, error} end # Translates the outcome of running a test to a result. # Takes the *elapsed* time and a possible *error* from the test. # Returns a type of `Result`. private def translate(elapsed, error) : Result if error, error) else end end # Runs all deferred blocks. private def run_deferred : Nil @deferred.each(&.call) @deferred.clear end end end