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synced 2024-08-15 00:53:35 +00:00
Prevent multiple redefinitions of the same method
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 51 additions and 49 deletions
@ -338,64 +338,66 @@ module Spectator
# Redefines all methods and ones inherited from its parents and mixins to support stubs.
# Redefines all methods and ones inherited from its parents and mixins to support stubs.
private macro stub_type(type_name = @type)
private macro stub_type(type_name = @type)
{% type = type_name.resolve
{% type = type_name.resolve
# Reverse order of ancestors (there's currently no reverse method for ArrayLiteral).
definitions = [] of Nil
count = type.ancestors.size
scope = (type == @type ? :previous_def : :super).id
ancestors = type.ancestors.map_with_index { |_, i| type.ancestors[count - i - 1] } %}
{% for ancestor in ancestors %}
{% for method in ancestor.methods.reject do |meth|
meth.name.starts_with?("_spectator") ||
end %}
{{(method.abstract? ? :abstract_stub : :default_stub).id}} {{method.visibility.id if method.visibility != :public}} def {{"#{method.receiver}.".id if method.receiver}}{{method.name}}(
{% for arg, i in method.args %}{% if i == method.splat_index %}*{% end %}{{arg}}, {% end %}
{% if method.double_splat %}**{{method.double_splat}}, {% end %}
{% if method.block_arg %}&{{method.block_arg}}{% elsif method.accepts_block? %}&{% end %}
){% if method.return_type %} : {{method.return_type}}{% end %}{% if !method.free_vars.empty? %} forall {{method.free_vars.splat}}{% end %}
super{% if method.accepts_block? %} { |*%yargs| yield *%yargs }{% end %}
{% end %}
{% for method in ancestor.class.methods.reject do |meth|
# Add entries for methods in the target type and its class type.
meth.name.starts_with?("_spectator") ||
[[:self.id, type.class], [nil, type]].each do |(receiver, t)|
t.methods.each do |method|
end %}
definitions << {
default_stub {{method.visibility.id if method.visibility != :public}} def self.{{method.name}}(
type: t,
{% for arg, i in method.args %}{% if i == method.splat_index %}*{% end %}{{arg}}, {% end %}
method: method,
{% if method.double_splat %}**{{method.double_splat}}, {% end %}
scope: scope,
{% if method.block_arg %}&{{method.block_arg}}{% elsif method.accepts_block? %}&{% end %}
receiver: receiver,
){% if method.return_type %} : {{method.return_type}}{% end %}{% if !method.free_vars.empty? %} forall {{method.free_vars.splat}}{% end %}
super{% if method.accepts_block? %} { |*%yargs| yield *%yargs }{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% for method in type.methods.reject do |meth|
# Iterate through all ancestors and add their methods.
meth.name.starts_with?("_spectator") ||
type.ancestors.each do |ancestor|
[[:self.id, ancestor.class], [nil, ancestor]].each do |(receiver, t)|
t.methods.each do |method|
# Skip methods already found to prevent redefining them multiple times.
unless definitions.any? do |d|
m = d[:method]
m.name == method.name &&
m.args == method.args &&
m.splat_index == method.splat_index &&
m.double_splat == method.double_splat &&
m.block_arg == method.block_arg
definitions << {
type: t,
method: method,
scope: :super.id,
receiver: receiver,
definitions = definitions.reject do |definition|
name = definition[:method].name
name.starts_with?("_spectator") || ::Spectator::DSL::RESERVED_KEYWORDS.includes?(name.symbolize)
end %}
end %}
{{(method.abstract? ? :"abstract_stub abstract" : :default_stub).id}} {{method.visibility.id if method.visibility != :public}} def {{"#{method.receiver}.".id if method.receiver}}{{method.name}}(
{% for definition in definitions %}
{% original_type = definition[:type]
method = definition[:method]
scope = definition[:scope]
receiver = definition[:receiver] %}
# Redefinition of {{type}}{{(receiver ? "." : "#").id}}{{method.name}}
{{(method.abstract? ? "abstract_stub abstract" : "default_stub").id}} {{method.visibility.id if method.visibility != :public}} def {{"#{receiver}.".id if receiver}}{{method.name}}(
{% for arg, i in method.args %}{% if i == method.splat_index %}*{% end %}{{arg}}, {% end %}
{% for arg, i in method.args %}{% if i == method.splat_index %}*{% end %}{{arg}}, {% end %}
{% if method.double_splat %}**{{method.double_splat}}, {% end %}
{% if method.double_splat %}**{{method.double_splat}}, {% end %}
{% if method.block_arg %}&{{method.block_arg}}{% elsif method.accepts_block? %}&{% end %}
{% if method.block_arg %}&{{method.block_arg}}{% elsif method.accepts_block? %}&{% end %}
){% if method.return_type %} : {{method.return_type}}{% end %}{% if !method.free_vars.empty? %} forall {{method.free_vars.splat}}{% end %}
){% if method.return_type %} : {{method.return_type}}{% end %}{% if !method.free_vars.empty? %} forall {{method.free_vars.splat}}{% end %}
{% unless method.abstract? %}
{% unless method.abstract? %}
{% if type == @type %}previous_def{% else %}super{% end %}{% if method.accepts_block? %} { |*%yargs| yield *%yargs }{% end %}
{{scope}}{% if method.accepts_block? %} { |*%yargs| yield *%yargs }{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% for method in type.class.methods.reject do |meth|
meth.name.starts_with?("_spectator") ||
end %}
default_stub {{method.visibility.id if method.visibility != :public}} def self.{{method.name}}(
{% for arg, i in method.args %}{% if i == method.splat_index %}*{% end %}{{arg}}, {% end %}
{% if method.double_splat %}**{{method.double_splat}}, {% end %}
{% if method.block_arg %}&{{method.block_arg}}{% elsif method.accepts_block? %}&{% end %}
){% if method.return_type %} : {{method.return_type}}{% end %}{% if !method.free_vars.empty? %} forall {{method.free_vars.splat}}{% end %}
{% if type == @type %}previous_def{% else %}super{% end %}{% if method.accepts_block? %} { |*%yargs| yield *%yargs }{% end %}
{% end %}
# Utility macro for casting a stub (and its return value) to the correct type.
# Utility macro for casting a stub (and its return value) to the correct type.
Reference in a new issue