Initial rework of example type structure

This commit is contained in:
Michael Miller 2020-09-05 15:01:22 -06:00
parent 9c6502234b
commit 55900ebecd
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: FB9F12F7C646A4AD
4 changed files with 109 additions and 230 deletions

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@ -1,83 +1,34 @@
require "./example_component"
require "./test_wrapper"
require "./context_delegate"
require "./example_base"
require "./example_group"
require "./result"
require "./source"
module Spectator
# Base class for all types of examples.
# Concrete types must implement the `#run_impl` method.
abstract class Example < ExampleComponent
@finished = false
@description : String? = nil
# Standard example that runs a test case.
class Example < ExampleBase
# Indicates whether the example already ran.
getter? finished : Bool = false
protected setter description
# Retrieves the result of the last time the example ran.
getter! result : Result
# Indicates whether the example has already been run.
def finished? : Bool
# Creates the example.
# The *delegate* contains the test context and method that runs the test case.
# The *name* describes the purpose of the example.
# It can be a `Symbol` to describe a type.
# The *source* tracks where the example exists in source code.
# The example will be assigned to *group* if it is provided.
def initialize(@delegate : ContextDelegate,
name : String | Symbol? = nil, source : Source? = nil, group : ExampleGroup? = nil)
super(name, source, group)
# Group that the example belongs to.
getter group : ExampleGroup
# Retrieves the internal wrapped instance.
protected getter test_wrapper : TestWrapper
# Source where the example originated from.
def source : Source
def description : String | Symbol
@description || @test_wrapper.description
def symbolic? : Bool
return false unless @test_wrapper.description?
description = @test_wrapper.description
description.starts_with?('#') || description.starts_with?('.')
abstract def run_impl
# Runs the example code.
# A result is returned, which represents the outcome of the test.
# An example can be run only once.
# An exception is raised if an attempt is made to run it more than once.
# Executes the test case.
# Returns the result of the execution.
# The result will also be stored in `#result`.
def run : Result
raise "Attempted to run example more than once (#{self})" if finished?
@finished = true
# Creates the base of the example.
# The group should be the example group the example belongs to.
def initialize(@group, @test_wrapper)
# Indicates there is only one example to run.
def example_count : Int
# Retrieve the current example.
def [](index : Int) : Example
# String representation of the example.
# This consists of the groups the example is in and the description.
# The string can be given to end-users to identify the example.
def to_s(io)
io << ' ' unless symbolic? && @group.symbolic?
io << description
# Creates the JSON representation of the example,
# which is just its name.
def to_json(json : ::JSON::Builder)

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
require "./example_group"
require "./result"
require "./source"
module Spectator
# Common base type for all examples.
abstract class ExampleBase
# Location of the example in source code.
getter! source : Source
# User-provided name or description of the test.
# This does not include the group name or descriptions.
# Use `#to_s` to get the full name.
# This value will be nil if no name was provided.
# In this case, the name should be set
# to the description of the first matcher that runs in the example.
# If this value is a `Symbol`, the user specified a type for the name.
getter! name : String | Symbol
# Group the example belongs to.
# Hooks are used from this group.
getter! group : ExampleGroup
# Assigns the group the example belongs to.
# If the example already belongs to a group,
# it will be removed from the previous group before adding it to the new group.
def group=(group : ExampleGroup?)
if (previous = @group)
group.add_example(self) if group
@group = group
# Creates the base of the example.
# The *name* describes the purpose of the example.
# It can be a `Symbol` to describe a type.
# The *source* tracks where the example exists in source code.
# The example will be assigned to *group* if it is provided.
def initialize(@name : String | Symbol? = nil, @source : Source? = nil, group : ExampleGroup? = nil)
# Ensure group is linked. = group
# Indicates whether the example already ran.
abstract def finished? : Bool
# Retrieves the result of the last time the example ran.
# This will be nil if the example hasn't run,
# and should not be nil if it has.
abstract def result? : Result?
# Retrieves the result of the last time the example ran.
# Raises an error if the example hasn't run.
def result : Result
result? || raise(NilAssertionError("Example has no result"))
# Constructs the full name or description of the example.
# This prepends names of groups this example is part of.
def to_s(io)
name = @name
# Prefix with group's full name if the example belongs to a group.
if (group = @group)
# Add padding between the group name and example name,
# only if the names appear to be symbolic.
if && name.is_a?(String)
io << ' ' unless name.starts_with?('#') || name.starts_with?('.')
# Exposes information about the example useful for debugging.
def inspect(io)

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
module Spectator
# Abstract base for all examples and collections of examples.
# This is used as the base node type for the composite design pattern.
abstract class ExampleComponent
# Text that describes the context or test.
abstract def description : Symbol | String
def full_description
abstract def source : Source
# Indicates whether the example (or group) has been completely run.
abstract def finished? : Bool
# The number of examples in this instance.
abstract def example_count : Int
# Lookup the example with the specified index.
abstract def [](index : Int) : Example
# Indicates that the component references a type or method.
abstract def symbolic? : Bool

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@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
require "./example_component"
module Spectator
# Shared base class for groups of examples.
# Represents a collection of examples and other groups.
# Use the `#each` methods to iterate through each child.
# However, these methods do not recurse into sub-groups.
# If you need that functionality, see `ExampleIterator`.
# Additionally, the indexer method (`#[]`) will index into sub-groups.
# This class also stores hooks to be associated with all examples in the group.
# The hooks can be invoked by running the `#run_before_hooks` and `#run_after_hooks` methods.
abstract class ExampleGroup < ExampleComponent
include Enumerable(ExampleComponent)
include Iterable(ExampleComponent)
@example_count = 0
# Retrieves the children in the group.
# This only returns the direct descends (non-recursive).
# The children must be set (with `#children=`) prior to calling this method.
getter! children : Array(ExampleComponent)
# Sets the children of the group.
# This should be called only from a builder in the `DSL` namespace.
# The children can be set only once -
# attempting to set more than once will raise an error.
# All sub-groups' children should be set before setting this group's children.
def children=(children : Array(ExampleComponent))
raise "Attempted to reset example group children" if @children
@children = children
# Recursively count the number of examples.
# This won't work if a sub-group hasn't had their children set (is still nil).
@example_count = children.sum(&.example_count)
def double(id, sample_values)
getter context
def initialize(@context : TestContext)
# Yields each direct descendant.
def each
children.each do |child|
yield child
# Returns an iterator for each direct descendant.
def each : Iterator(ExampleComponent)
# Number of examples in this group and all sub-groups.
def example_count : Int
# Retrieves an example by its index.
# This recursively searches for an example.
# Positive and negative indices can be used.
# Any value out of range will raise an `IndexError`.
# Examples are indexed as if they are in a flattened tree.
# For instance:
# ```
# examples = [0, 1, [2, 3, 4], [5, [6, 7], 8], 9, [10]].flatten
# ```
# The arrays symbolize groups,
# and the numbers are the index of the example in that slot.
def [](index : Int) : Example
offset = check_bounds(index)
# Checks whether an index is within acceptable bounds.
# If the index is negative,
# it will be converted to its positive equivalent.
# If the index is out of bounds, an `IndexError` is raised.
# If the index is in bounds,
# the positive index is returned.
private def check_bounds(index)
if index < 0
raise if index < -example_count
index + example_count
raise if index >= example_count
# Finds the example with the specified index in the children.
# The *index* must be positive and within bounds (use `#check_bounds`).
private def find_nested(index)
offset = index
# Loop through each child
# until one is found to contain the index.
found = children.each do |child|
count = child.example_count
# Example groups consider their range to be [0, example_count).
# Each child is offset by the total example count of the previous children.
# The group exposes them in this way:
# 1. [0, example_count of group 1)
# 2. [example_count of group 1, example_count of group 2)
# 3. [example_count of group n, example_count of group n + 1)
# To iterate through children, the offset is tracked.
# Each iteration removes the previous child's count.
# This way the child receives the expected range.
break child if offset < count
offset -= count
# The remaining offset is passed along to the child.
# If it's an `Example`, it returns itself.
# Otherwise, the indexer repeats the process for the next child.
# It should be impossible to get nil here,
# provided the bounds check and example counts are correct.
# Checks whether all examples in the group have been run.
def finished? : Bool