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module Spectator
# Mix-in for defining hook methods.
module Hooks
# Defines various methods for adding hooks of a specific type.
# The *declaration* defines the name and type of hook.
# It should be a type declaration in the form: `some_hook : ExampleHook`,
# where `some_hook` is the name of the hook, and `ExampleHook` is type type.
# A default order can be specified by *order*.
# The *order* argument must be *append* or *prepend*.
# This indicates the order hooks are added by default when called by client code.
# Multiple methods are generated.
# The primary methods will be named the same as the hook (from *declaration*).
# These take a pre-built hook instance, or arguments to pass to the hook type's initializer.
# The new hook is added a collection in the order specified by *order*.
# A private getter method is created so that the hooks can be accessed if needed.
# The getter method has `_hooks` appended to the hook name.
# For instance, if the *declaration* contains `important_thing`, then the getter is `important_thing_hooks`.
# Lastly, an optional block can be provided.
# If given, a protected method will be defined with the block's contents.
# This method typically operates on (calls) the hooks.
# The private getter method mentioned above can be used to access the hooks.
# Any block arguments will be used as argument in the method.
# The method name has the prefix `call_` followed by the hook name.
# ```
# define_hook important_event : ImportantHook do |example|
# important_event_hooks.each &.call(example)
# end
# # ...
# important_event do |example|
# puts "An important event occurred for #{example}"
# end
# ```
macro define_hook(declaration, order = :append, &block)
{% if ==
method =
elsif ==
method =
raise "Unknown hook order type - #{order}"
end %}
# Retrieves all registered hooks for {{declaration.var}}.
protected getter {{declaration.var}}_hooks = Deque({{declaration.type}}).new
# Registers a new "{{declaration.var}}" hook.
# The hook will be {{}}ed to the list.
def {{declaration.var}}(hook : {{declaration.type}}) : Nil
# Registers a new "{{declaration.var}}" hook.
# The hook will be {{}}ed to the list.
# A new hook will be created by passing args to `{{declaration.type}}.new`.
def {{declaration.var}}(*args, **kwargs) : Nil
hook = {{declaration.type}}.new(*args, **kwargs)
# Registers a new "{{declaration.var}}" hook.
# The hook will be {{}}ed to the list.
# A new hook will be created by passing args to `{{declaration.type}}.new`.
def {{declaration.var}}(*args, **kwargs, &block) : Nil
hook = {{declaration.type}}.new(*args, **kwargs, &block)
{% if block %}
# Handles calling all "{{declaration.var}}" hooks.
protected def call_{{declaration.var}}({{block.args.splat}})
{% end %}