require "./spec_helper" def sql(s : String) "#{s.inspect}" end def sql(s) "#{s}" end def sqlite_type_for(v) case v when String ; "text" when Int32, Int64 ; "int" when Float32, Float64; "float" when Time ; "text" else raise "not implemented for #{typeof(v)}" end end def assert_single_read(rs, value_type, value) rs.move_next.should be_true eq(value) rs.move_next.should be_false end def assert_single_read?(rs, value_type, value) rs.move_next.should be_true eq(value) rs.move_next.should be_false end def assert_filename(uri, filename) SQLite3::Connection.filename(URI.parse(uri)).should eq(filename) end class NotSupportedType end describe Driver do it "should register sqlite3 name" do DB.driver_class("sqlite3").should eq(SQLite3::Driver) end it "should get filename from uri" do assert_filename("sqlite3:%3Amemory%3A", ":memory:") assert_filename("sqlite3://%3Amemory%3A", ":memory:") assert_filename("sqlite3:./file.db", "./file.db") assert_filename("sqlite3://./file.db", "./file.db") assert_filename("sqlite3:/path/to/file.db", "/path/to/file.db") assert_filename("sqlite3:///path/to/file.db", "/path/to/file.db") end it "should use database option as file to open" do with_db do |db| db.driver.should be_a(SQLite3::Driver) File.exists?(DB_FILENAME).should be_true end end {% for value in [1, 1_i64, "hello", 1.5, 1.5_f32] %} it "executes and select {{}}" do with_db do |db| db.scalar("select #{sql({{value}})}").should eq({{value}}) db.query "select #{sql({{value}})}" do |rs| assert_single_read rs, typeof({{value}}), {{value}} end end end it "executes and select nil as type of {{}}" do with_db do |db| db.scalar("select null").should be_nil db.query "select null" do |rs| assert_single_read? rs, typeof({{value}}), nil end end end it "executes with bind {{}}" do with_db do |db| db.scalar(%(select ?), {{value}}).should eq({{value}}) end end it "executes with bind nil as typeof {{}}" do with_db do |db| db.scalar("select ?", nil).should be_nil end end it "executes with bind {{}} as array" do with_db do |db| db.scalar(%(select ?), [{{value}}]).should eq({{value}}) end end {% end %} it "executes and selects blob" do with_db do |db| slice = db.scalar(%(select X'53514C697465')).as(Bytes) slice.to_a.should eq([0x53, 0x51, 0x4C, 0x69, 0x74, 0x65]) end end it "executes with bind blob" do with_db do |db| ary = UInt8[0x53, 0x51, 0x4C, 0x69, 0x74, 0x65] slice = db.scalar(%(select cast(? as BLOB)),, ary.size)).as(Bytes) slice.to_a.should eq(ary) end end it "gets column count" do with_mem_db do |db| db.exec "create table person (name string, age integer)" db.query "select * from person" do |rs| rs.column_count.should eq(2) end end end it "gets column name" do with_mem_db do |db| db.exec "create table person (name string, age integer)" db.query "select * from person" do |rs| rs.column_name(0).should eq("name") rs.column_name(1).should eq("age") end end end it "gets column types" do with_mem_db do |db| db.exec "create table table1 (aText text, anInteger integer, aReal real, aBlob blob)" db.exec "insert into table1 (aText, anInteger, aReal, aBlob) values ('a', 1, 1.5, X'53')" # sqlite is unable to get column_type information # from the query itself without executing and getting # actual data. db.query "select * from table1" do |rs| rs.move_next rs.column_type(0).should eq(String) rs.column_type(1).should eq(Int64) rs.column_type(2).should eq(Float64) rs.column_type(3).should eq(Bytes) end end end it "gets last insert row id" do with_mem_db do |db| db.exec "create table person (name string, age integer)" db.exec %(insert into person values ("foo", 10)) res = db.exec %(insert into person values ("foo", 10)) res.last_insert_id.should eq(2) res.rows_affected.should eq(1) end end {% for value in [1, 1_i64, "hello", 1.5, 1.5_f32] %} it "insert/get value {{}} from table" do with_db do |db| db.exec "create table table1 (col1 #{sqlite_type_for({{value}})})" db.exec %(insert into table1 values (#{sql({{value}})})) db.scalar("select col1 from table1").should eq({{value}}) end end {% end %} it "insert/get blob value from table" do with_db do |db| ary = UInt8[0x53, 0x51, 0x4C, 0x69, 0x74, 0x65] db.exec "create table table1 (col1 blob)" db.exec %(insert into table1 values (?)),, ary.size) slice = db.scalar("select cast(col1 as blob) from table1").as(Bytes) slice.to_a.should eq(ary) end end it "insert/get value date from table" do with_db do |db| value =, 7, 22, 15, 0, 0, 0) db.exec "create table table1 (col1 #{sqlite_type_for(value)})" db.exec %(insert into table1 values (?)), value db.query "select col1 from table1" do |rs| rs.move_next eq(value) end db.query "select col1 from table1" do |rs| rs.move_next eq(value) end end end it "raises on unsupported param types" do with_db do |db| expect_raises Exception, "SQLite3::Statement does not support NotSupportedType params" do db.query "select 1", end # TODO raising exception does not close the connection and pool is exhausted end with_db do |db| expect_raises Exception, "SQLite3::Statement does not support NotSupportedType params" do db.exec "select 1", end end end it "gets many rows from table" do with_mem_db do |db| db.exec "create table person (name string, age integer)" db.exec %(insert into person values ("foo", 10)) db.exec %(insert into person values ("bar", 20)) db.exec %(insert into person values ("baz", 30)) names = [] of String ages = [] of Int32 db.query "select * from person" do |rs| rs.each do names << ages << end end names.should eq(["foo", "bar", "baz"]) ages.should eq([10, 20, 30]) end end it "ensures statements are closed" do begin "sqlite3:#{DB_FILENAME}" do |db| db.exec %(create table if not exists a (i int not null, str text not null);) db.exec %(insert into a (i, str) values (23, "bai bai");) end 2.times do |i| "sqlite3:#{DB_FILENAME}" do |db| begin db.query("SELECT i, str FROM a WHERE i = ?", 23) do |rs| rs.move_next break end rescue e : SQLite3::Exception fail("Expected no exception, but got \"#{e.message}\"") end begin db.exec("UPDATE a SET i = ? WHERE i = ?", 23, 23) rescue e : SQLite3::Exception fail("Expected no exception, but got \"#{e.message}\"") end end end ensure File.delete(DB_FILENAME) end end end