require "./spec_helper" def with_db yield "sqlite3", {"database": DB_FILENAME} ensure File.delete(DB_FILENAME) end def sql(s : String) "#{s.inspect}" end def sql(s) "#{s}" end def assert_single_read(result_set, value_type, value) result_set.move_next.should be_true eq(value) result_set.move_next.should be_false end def assert_single_read?(result_set, value_type, value) result_set.move_next.should be_true eq(value) result_set.move_next.should be_false end describe Driver do it "should register sqlite3 name" do DB.driver_class("sqlite3").should eq(SQLite3::Driver) end it "should use database option as file to open" do with_db do |db| db.driver_class.should eq(SQLite3::Driver) File.exists?(DB_FILENAME).should be_true end end {% for value in [1, 1_i64, "hello", 1.5, 1.5_f32] %} it "executes and select {{}}" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec("select #{sql({{value}})}") assert_single_read result_set, typeof({{value}}), {{value}} end end it "executes and select {{}} as nillable" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec("select #{sql({{value}})}") assert_single_read? result_set, typeof({{value}}), {{value}} end end it "executes and select nil as type of {{}}" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec("select null") assert_single_read? result_set, typeof({{value}}), nil end end it "executes with bind {{}}" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec(%(select ?), {{value}}) assert_single_read result_set, typeof({{value}}), {{value}} end end it "executes with bind {{}} read as nillable" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec(%(select ?), {{value}}) assert_single_read? result_set, typeof({{value}}), {{value}} end end it "executes with bind nil as typeof {{}}" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec(%(select ?), nil) assert_single_read? result_set, typeof({{value}}), nil end end it "executes with bind {{}} as array" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec(%(select ?), [{{value}}]) assert_single_read result_set, typeof({{value}}), {{value}} end end {% end %} it "executes and selects blob" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec %(select X'53514C697465') result_set.move_next eq([0x53, 0x51, 0x4C, 0x69, 0x74, 0x65]) end end it "executes with bind blob" do with_db do |db| ary = UInt8[0x53, 0x51, 0x4C, 0x69, 0x74, 0x65] result_set = db.exec %(select cast(? as BLOB)),, ary.size) result_set.move_next eq(ary) end end it "executes with named bind using symbol" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec(%(select :value), {value: "hello"}) assert_single_read result_set, String, "hello" end end it "executes with named bind using string" do with_db do |db| result_set = db.exec(%(select :value), {"value": "hello"}) assert_single_read result_set, String, "hello" end end end