class SQLite3::ResultSet < DB::ResultSet @column_index = 0 protected def do_close super LibSQLite3.reset(self) end # Advances to the next row. Returns `true` if there's a next row, # `false` otherwise. Must be called at least once to advance to the first # row. def move_next @column_index = 0 case step when LibSQLite3::Code::ROW true when LibSQLite3::Code::DONE false else raise end end def read col = @column_index value = case LibSQLite3.column_type(self, col) when Type::INTEGER LibSQLite3.column_int64(self, col) when Type::FLOAT LibSQLite3.column_double(self, col) when Type::BLOB blob = LibSQLite3.column_blob(self, col) bytes = LibSQLite3.column_bytes(self, col) ptr = Pointer(UInt8).malloc(bytes) ptr.copy_from(blob, bytes), bytes) when Type::TEXT, col)) when Type::NULL nil else raise end @column_index += 1 value end def read(t : Int32.class) : Int32 read(Int64).to_i32 end def read(type : Int32?.class) : Int32? read(Int64?).try &.to_i32 end def read(t : Float32.class) : Float32 read(Float64).to_f32 end def read(type : Float32?.class) : Float32? read(Float64?).try &.to_f32 end def read(t : Time.class) : Time Time.parse read(String), SQLite3::DATE_FORMAT, location: SQLite3::TIME_ZONE end def read(t : Time?.class) : Time? read(String?).try { |v| Time.parse(v, SQLite3::DATE_FORMAT, location: SQLite3::TIME_ZONE) } end def read(t : Bool.class) : Bool read(Int64) != 0 end def read(t : Bool?.class) : Bool? read(Int64?).try &.!=(0) end def column_count LibSQLite3.column_count(self) end def column_name(index) LibSQLite3.column_name(self, index) end def to_unsafe sqlite3_statement.to_unsafe end # :nodoc: private def step LibSQLite3.step(sqlite3_statement) end protected def sqlite3_statement end private def moving_column res = yield @column_index @column_index += 1 res end end