class SQLite3::Connection < DB::Connection record Options, filename : String = ":memory:", # pragmas busy_timeout : String? = nil, cache_size : String? = nil, foreign_keys : String? = nil, journal_mode : String? = nil, synchronous : String? = nil, wal_autocheckpoint : String? = nil do def self.from_uri(uri : URI, default = params = HTTP::Params.parse(uri.query || "") filename: URI.decode_www_form(( || "") + uri.path), # pragmas busy_timeout: params.fetch("busy_timeout", default.busy_timeout), cache_size: params.fetch("cache_size", default.cache_size), foreign_keys: params.fetch("foreign_keys", default.foreign_keys), journal_mode: params.fetch("journal_mode", default.journal_mode), synchronous: params.fetch("synchronous", default.synchronous), wal_autocheckpoint: params.fetch("wal_autocheckpoint", default.wal_autocheckpoint), ) end def pragma_statement res = do |str| pragma_append(str, "busy_timeout", busy_timeout) pragma_append(str, "cache_size", cache_size) pragma_append(str, "foreign_keys", foreign_keys) pragma_append(str, "journal_mode", journal_mode) pragma_append(str, "synchronous", synchronous) pragma_append(str, "wal_autocheckpoint", wal_autocheckpoint) end res.empty? ? nil : res end private def pragma_append(io, key, value) return unless value io << "PRAGMA #{key}=#{value};" end end def initialize(options : ::DB::Connection::Options, sqlite3_options : Options) super(options) check LibSQLite3.open_v2(sqlite3_options.filename, out @db, (Flag::READWRITE | Flag::CREATE), nil) # 2 means 2 arguments; 1 is the code for UTF-8 check LibSQLite3.create_function(@db, "regexp", 2, 1, nil, SQLite3::REGEXP_FN, nil, nil) if pragma_statement = sqlite3_options.pragma_statement check LibSQLite3.exec(@db, pragma_statement, nil, nil, nil) end rescue raise end def self.filename(uri : URI) URI.decode_www_form(( || "") + uri.path) end def build_prepared_statement(query) : Statement, query) end def build_unprepared_statement(query) : Statement # sqlite3 does not support unprepared statement. # All statements once prepared should be released # when unneeded. Unprepared statement are not aim # to leave state in the connection. Mimicking them # with prepared statement would be wrong with # respect connection resources. raise"SQLite3 driver does not support unprepared statements") end def do_close super check LibSQLite3.close(self) end # :nodoc: def perform_begin_transaction self.prepared.exec "BEGIN" end # :nodoc: def perform_commit_transaction self.prepared.exec "COMMIT" end # :nodoc: def perform_rollback_transaction self.prepared.exec "ROLLBACK" end # :nodoc: def perform_create_savepoint(name) self.prepared.exec "SAVEPOINT #{name}" end # :nodoc: def perform_release_savepoint(name) self.prepared.exec "RELEASE SAVEPOINT #{name}" end # :nodoc: def perform_rollback_savepoint(name) self.prepared.exec "ROLLBACK TO #{name}" end # Dump the database to another SQLite3 database. This can be used for backing up a SQLite3 Database # to disk or the opposite def dump(to : SQLite3::Connection) backup_item = LibSQLite3.backup_init(to.@db, "main", @db, "main") if backup_item.null? raise end code = LibSQLite3.backup_step(backup_item, -1) if code != LibSQLite3::Code::DONE raise end code = LibSQLite3.backup_finish(backup_item) if code != LibSQLite3::Code::OKAY raise end end def to_unsafe @db end private def check(code) raise unless code == 0 end end