require "./spec_helper" describe DB::Statement do it "should prepare statements" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| cnn.prepare("the query").should be_a(DB::Statement) end end it "should initialize positional params in query" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare("the query").as(DummyDriver::DummyStatement) stmt.query "a", 1, nil stmt.params[0].should eq("a") stmt.params[1].should eq(1) stmt.params[2].should eq(nil) end end it "should initialize positional params in query with array" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare("the query").as(DummyDriver::DummyStatement) stmt.query ["a", 1, nil] stmt.params[0].should eq("a") stmt.params[1].should eq(1) stmt.params[2].should eq(nil) end end it "should initialize positional params in exec" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare("the query").as(DummyDriver::DummyStatement) stmt.exec "a", 1, nil stmt.params[0].should eq("a") stmt.params[1].should eq(1) stmt.params[2].should eq(nil) end end it "should initialize positional params in exec with array" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare("the query").as(DummyDriver::DummyStatement) stmt.exec ["a", 1, nil] stmt.params[0].should eq("a") stmt.params[1].should eq(1) stmt.params[2].should eq(nil) end end it "should initialize positional params in scalar" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare("the query").as(DummyDriver::DummyStatement) stmt.scalar "a", 1, nil stmt.params[0].should eq("a") stmt.params[1].should eq(1) stmt.params[2].should eq(nil) end end it "query with block should not close statement" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare "3,4 1,2" stmt.query stmt.closed?.should be_false end end it "closing connection should close statement" do stmt = uninitialized DB::Statement with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare "3,4 1,2" stmt.query end stmt.closed?.should be_true end it "query with block should not close statement" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare "3,4 1,2" stmt.query do |rs| end stmt.closed?.should be_false end end it "query should not close statement" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare "3,4 1,2" stmt.query do |rs| end stmt.closed?.should be_false end end it "scalar should not close statement" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare "3,4 1,2" stmt.scalar stmt.closed?.should be_false end end it "exec should not close statement" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| stmt = cnn.prepare "3,4 1,2" stmt.exec stmt.closed?.should be_false end end it "connection should cache statements by query" do with_dummy_connection do |cnn| rs = cnn.query "1, ?", 2 stmt = rs.statement rs.close rs = cnn.query "1, ?", 4 rs.statement.should be(stmt) end end it "connection should be released if error occurs during exec" do with_dummy do |db| expect_raises do db.exec "raise" end DummyDriver::DummyConnection.connections.size.should eq(1) db.pool.is_available?(DummyDriver::DummyConnection.connections.first) end end end