module DB # :nodoc: struct EnumerableConcat(S, T, U) include Enumerable(S) def initialize(@e1 : T, @e2 : U) end def each if e1 = @e1 @e1.each do |e| yield e end end if e2 = @e2 e2.each do |e| yield e end end end # returns given `e1 : T` an `Enumerable(T')` and `e2 : U` an `Enumerable(U') | Nil` # it retuns and `Enumerable(T' | U')` that enumerates the elements of `e1` # and, later, the elements of `e2`. def : T, e2 : U) return e1 if e2.nil? || e2.empty? return e2 if e1.nil? || e1.empty? EnumerableConcat(Union(typeof(sample(e1)), typeof(sample(e2))), T, U).new(e1, e2) end private def self.sample(c : Enumerable?) c.not_nil!.each do |e| return e end raise "" end end end