require "weak_ref" require "./error" module DB class Pool(T) record Options, # initial number of connections in the pool initial_pool_size : Int32 = 1, # maximum amount of connections in the pool (Idle + InUse). 0 means no maximum. max_pool_size : Int32 = 0, # maximum amount of idle connections in the pool max_idle_pool_size : Int32 = 1, # seconds to wait before timeout while doing a checkout checkout_timeout : Float64 = 5.0, # maximum amount of retry attempts to reconnect to the db. See `Pool#retry` retry_attempts : Int32 = 1, # seconds to wait before a retry attempt retry_delay : Float64 = 0.2 do def self.from_http_params(params : HTTP::Params, default = initial_pool_size: params.fetch("initial_pool_size", default.initial_pool_size).to_i, max_pool_size: params.fetch("max_pool_size", default.max_pool_size).to_i, max_idle_pool_size: params.fetch("max_idle_pool_size", default.max_idle_pool_size).to_i, checkout_timeout: params.fetch("checkout_timeout", default.checkout_timeout).to_f, retry_attempts: params.fetch("retry_attempts", default.retry_attempts).to_i, retry_delay: params.fetch("retry_delay", default.retry_delay).to_f, ) end end # Pool configuration # initial number of connections in the pool @initial_pool_size : Int32 # maximum amount of connections in the pool (Idle + InUse) @max_pool_size : Int32 # maximum amount of idle connections in the pool @max_idle_pool_size : Int32 # seconds to wait before timeout while doing a checkout @checkout_timeout : Float64 # maximum amount of retry attempts to reconnect to the db. See `Pool#retry` @retry_attempts : Int32 # seconds to wait before a retry attempt @retry_delay : Float64 # Pool state # total of open connections managed by this pool @total = [] of T # connections available for checkout @idle = Set(T).new # connections waiting to be stablished (they are not in *@idle* nor in *@total*) @inflight : Int32 # Sync state # communicate that a connection is available for checkout @availability_channel : Channel(Nil) # global pool mutex @mutex : Mutex @[Deprecated("Use `#new` with DB::Pool::Options instead")] def initialize(initial_pool_size = 1, max_pool_size = 0, max_idle_pool_size = 1, checkout_timeout = 5.0, retry_attempts = 1, retry_delay = 0.2, &factory : -> T) initialize( initial_pool_size: initial_pool_size, max_pool_size: max_pool_size, max_idle_pool_size: max_idle_pool_size, checkout_timeout: checkout_timeout, retry_attempts: retry_attempts, retry_delay: retry_delay), &factory) end def initialize(pool_options : Options =, &@factory : -> T) @initial_pool_size = pool_options.initial_pool_size @max_pool_size = pool_options.max_pool_size @max_idle_pool_size = pool_options.max_idle_pool_size @checkout_timeout = pool_options.checkout_timeout @retry_attempts = pool_options.retry_attempts @retry_delay = pool_options.retry_delay @availability_channel = Channel(Nil).new @inflight = 0 @mutex = @initial_pool_size.times { build_resource } end # close all resources in the pool def close : Nil @total.each &.close @total.clear @idle.clear end record Stats, open_connections : Int32, idle_connections : Int32, in_flight_connections : Int32, max_connections : Int32 # Returns stats of the pool def stats open_connections: @total.size, idle_connections: @idle.size, in_flight_connections: @inflight, max_connections: @max_pool_size, ) end def checkout : T res = sync do resource = nil until resource resource = if @idle.empty? if can_increase_pool? @inflight += 1 begin r = unsync { build_resource } ensure @inflight -= 1 end r else unsync { wait_for_available } # The wait for available can unlock # multiple fibers waiting for a resource. # Although only one will pick it due to the lock # in the end of the unsync, the pick_available # will return nil pick_available end else pick_available end end @idle.delete resource resource end if res.responds_to?(:before_checkout) res.before_checkout end res end def checkout(&block : T ->) connection = checkout begin yield connection ensure release connection end end def release(resource : T) : Nil idle_pushed = false sync do if resource.responds_to?(:closed?) && resource.closed? @total.delete(resource) elsif can_increase_idle_pool @idle << resource if resource.responds_to?(:after_release) resource.after_release end idle_pushed = true else resource.close @total.delete(resource) end end if idle_pushed select when @availability_channel.send(nil) else end end end # :nodoc: # Will retry the block if a `ConnectionLost` exception is thrown. # It will try to reuse all of the available connection right away, # but if a new connection is needed there is a `retry_delay` seconds delay. def retry current_available = 0 sync do current_available = @idle.size # if the pool hasn't reach the max size, allow 1 attempt # to make a new connection if needed without sleeping current_available += 1 if can_increase_pool? end (current_available + @retry_attempts).times do |i| begin sleep @retry_delay if i >= current_available return yield rescue e : PoolResourceLost(T) # if the connection is lost it will be closed by # the exception to release resources # we still need to remove it from the known pool. sync { delete(e.resource) } rescue e : PoolResourceRefused # a ConnectionRefused means a new connection # was intended to be created # nothing to due but to retry soon end end raise end # :nodoc: def each_resource sync do @idle.each do |resource| yield resource end end end # :nodoc: def is_available?(resource : T) @idle.includes?(resource) end # :nodoc: def delete(resource : T) @total.delete(resource) @idle.delete(resource) end private def build_resource : T resource = sync do @total << resource @idle << resource end resource end private def can_increase_pool? @max_pool_size == 0 || @total.size + @inflight < @max_pool_size end private def can_increase_idle_pool @idle.size < @max_idle_pool_size end private def pick_available @idle.first? end private def wait_for_available select when @availability_channel.receive when timeout(@checkout_timeout.seconds) raise"Could not check out a connection in #{@checkout_timeout} seconds") end end private def sync @mutex.lock begin yield ensure @mutex.unlock end end private def unsync @mutex.unlock begin yield ensure @mutex.lock end end end end