require "spec" private def assert_single_read(rs, value_type, value) rs.move_next.should be_true eq(value) rs.move_next.should be_false end module DB # Helper class to ensure behaviour of custom drivers # # ``` # require "db/spec" # # DB::DriverSpecs(DB::Any).run do # # How to connect to database # connection_string "scheme://database_url" # # # Clean up database if needed using before/after callbacks # before do # # ... # end # # after do # # ... # end # # # Sample values that will be stored, retrieved across many specs # sample_value "hello", "varchar(25)", "'hello'" # # it "custom spec with a db initialized" do |db| # # assert something using *db* # end # # # Configure the appropiate syntax for different commands needed to run the specs # binding_syntax do |index| # "?" # end # # create_table_1column_syntax do |table_name, col1| # "create table #{table_name} (#{} #{col1.sql_type} #{col1.null ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL"})" # end # end # ``` # # The following methods needs to be called to configure the appropiate syntax # for different commands and allow all the specs to run: `binding_syntax`, `create_table_1column_syntax`, # `create_table_2columns_syntax`, `select_1column_syntax`, `select_2columns_syntax`, `select_count_syntax`, # `select_scalar_syntax`, `insert_1column_syntax`, `insert_2columns_syntax`, `drop_table_if_exists_syntax`. # class DriverSpecs(DBAnyType) record ColumnDef, name : String, sql_type : String, null : Bool @before : Proc(Nil) = ->{} @after : Proc(Nil) = ->{} @encode_null = "NULL" @support_prepared = true @support_unprepared = true def before(&@before : -> Nil) end def after(&@after : -> Nil) end def encode_null(@encode_null : String) end # Allow specs that uses prepared statements (default `true`) def support_prepared(@support_prepared : Bool) end # :nodoc: def support_prepared @support_prepared end # Allow specs that uses unprepared statements (default `true`) def support_unprepared(@support_unprepared : Bool) end # :nodoc: def support_unprepared @support_unprepared end # :nodoc: macro db_spec_config(name, *, block = false) {% if name.is_a?(TypeDeclaration) %} @{{}} : {{name.type}}? {% if block %} def {{}}(&@{{}} : {{name.type}}) end {% else %} def {{}}(@{{}} : {{name.type}}) end {% end %} # :nodoc: def {{}} res = @{{}} raise "Missing {{}} to setup db" unless res res end {% end %} end db_spec_config connection_string : String db_spec_config binding_syntax : Proc(Int32, String), block: true db_spec_config select_scalar_syntax : Proc(String, String?, String), block: true db_spec_config create_table_1column_syntax : Proc(String, ColumnDef, String), block: true db_spec_config create_table_2columns_syntax : Proc(String, ColumnDef, ColumnDef, String), block: true db_spec_config insert_1column_syntax : Proc(String, ColumnDef, String, String), block: true db_spec_config insert_2columns_syntax : Proc(String, ColumnDef, String, ColumnDef, String, String), block: true db_spec_config select_1column_syntax : Proc(String, ColumnDef, String), block: true db_spec_config select_2columns_syntax : Proc(String, ColumnDef, ColumnDef, String), block: true db_spec_config select_count_syntax : Proc(String, String), block: true db_spec_config drop_table_if_exists_syntax : Proc(String, String), block: true # :nodoc: record SpecIt, description : String, prepared : Symbol, file : String, line : Int32, end_line : Int32, block : DB::Database -> Nil getter its = [] of SpecIt def it(description = "assert", prepared = :default, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__, end_line = __END_LINE__, &block : DB::Database ->) @its <<, prepared, file, line, end_line, block) end # :nodoc: record ValueDef(T), value : T, sql_type : String, value_encoded : String @values = [] of ValueDef(DBAnyType) # Use *value* as sample value that should be stored in columns of type *sql_type*. # *value_encoded* is driver specific expression that should generate that value in the database. # *type_safe_value* indicates whether *value_encoded* is expected to generate the *value* even without # been stored in a table (default `true`). def sample_value(value, sql_type, value_encoded, *, type_safe_value = true) @values << ValueDef(DBAnyType).new(value, sql_type, value_encoded) it "select nil as (#{typeof(value)} | Nil)", prepared: :both do |db| db.query select_scalar(encode_null, nil) do |rs| assert_single_read rs, typeof(value || nil), nil end end value_desc = value.to_s value_desc = "#{value_desc[0..25]}...(#{value_desc.size})" if value_desc.size > 25 value_desc = "#{value_desc} as #{sql_type}" if type_safe_value it "executes with bind #{value_desc}" do |db| db.scalar(select_scalar(param(1), sql_type), value).should eq(value) end it "executes with bind #{value_desc} as array" do |db| db.scalar(select_scalar(param(1), sql_type), args: [value]).should eq(value) end it "select #{value_desc} as literal" do |db| db.scalar(select_scalar(value_encoded, sql_type)).should eq(value) db.query select_scalar(value_encoded, sql_type) do |rs| assert_single_read rs, typeof(value), value end end end it "insert/get value #{value_desc} from table", prepared: :both do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_table1(c1 = col1(sql_type)) db.exec sql_insert_table1(c1, value_encoded) db.query_one(sql_select_table1(c1), as: typeof(value)).should eq(value) end it "insert/get value #{value_desc} from table as nillable", prepared: :both do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_table1(c1 = col1(sql_type)) db.exec sql_insert_table1(c1, value_encoded) db.query_one(sql_select_table1(c1), as: ::Union(typeof(value) | Nil)).should eq(value) end it "insert/get value nil from table as nillable #{sql_type}", prepared: :both do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_table1(c1 = col1(sql_type, null: true)) db.exec sql_insert_table1(c1, encode_null) db.query_one(sql_select_table1(c1), as: ::Union(typeof(value) | Nil)).should eq(nil) end it "insert/get value #{value_desc} from table with binding" do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_table2(c1 = col1(sql_type_for(String)), c2 = col2(sql_type)) # the next statement will force a union in the *args db.exec sql_insert_table2(c1, param(1), c2, param(2)), value_for(String), value db.query_one(sql_select_table2(c2), as: typeof(value)).should eq(value) end it "insert/get value #{value_desc} from table as nillable with binding" do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_table2(c1 = col1(sql_type_for(String)), c2 = col2(sql_type)) # the next statement will force a union in the *args db.exec sql_insert_table2(c1, param(1), c2, param(2)), value_for(String), value db.query_one(sql_select_table2(c2), as: ::Union(typeof(value) | Nil)).should eq(value) end it "insert/get value nil from table as nillable #{sql_type} with binding" do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_table2(c1 = col1(sql_type_for(String)), c2 = col2(sql_type, null: true)) db.exec sql_insert_table2(c1, param(1), c2, param(2)), value_for(String), nil db.query_one(sql_select_table2(c2), as: ::Union(typeof(value) | Nil)).should eq(nil) end it "can use read(#{typeof(value)}) with DB::ResultSet", prepared: :both do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_table1(c1 = col1(sql_type)) db.exec sql_insert_table1(c1, value_encoded) db.query(sql_select_table1(c1)) do |rs| assert_single_read, typeof(value), value end end it "can use read(#{typeof(value)}?) with DB::ResultSet", prepared: :both do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_table1(c1 = col1(sql_type)) db.exec sql_insert_table1(c1, value_encoded) db.query(sql_select_table1(c1)) do |rs| assert_single_read, ::Union(typeof(value) | Nil), value end end it "can use read(#{typeof(value)}?) with DB::ResultSet for nil", prepared: :both do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_table1(c1 = col1(sql_type, null: true)) db.exec sql_insert_table1(c1, encode_null) db.query(sql_select_table1(c1)) do |rs| assert_single_read, ::Union(typeof(value) | Nil), nil end end end # :nodoc: def include_shared_specs it "connects using connection_string" do |db| db.is_a?(DB::Database) end it "can create direct connection" do DB.connect(connection_string) do |cnn| cnn.is_a?(DB::Connection) cnn.scalar(select_scalar(encode_null, nil)).should be_nil end end it "binds nil" do |db| # PG is unable to perform this query without a type annotation db.scalar(select_scalar(param(1), sql_type_for(String)), nil).should be_nil end it "selects nil as scalar", prepared: :both do |db| db.scalar(select_scalar(encode_null, nil)).should be_nil end it "gets column count", prepared: :both do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_person db.query "select * from person" do |rs| rs.column_count.should eq(2) end end it "gets column name", prepared: :both do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_person db.query "select name, age from person" do |rs| rs.column_name(0).should eq("name") rs.column_name(1).should eq("age") end end it "gets many rows from table" do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_person db.exec sql_insert_person, "foo", 10 db.exec sql_insert_person, "bar", 20 db.exec sql_insert_person, "baz", 30 names = [] of String ages = [] of Int32 db.query sql_select_person do |rs| rs.each do names << ages << end end names.should eq(["foo", "bar", "baz"]) ages.should eq([10, 20, 30]) end # describe "transactions" do it "transactions: can read inside transaction and rollback after" do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_person db.transaction do |tx| tx.connection.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(0) tx.connection.exec sql_insert_person, "John Doe", 10 tx.connection.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(1) tx.rollback end db.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(0) end it "transactions: can read inside transaction or after commit" do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_person db.transaction do |tx| tx.connection.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(0) tx.connection.exec sql_insert_person, "John Doe", 10 tx.connection.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(1) # using other connection db.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(0) end db.scalar("select count(*) from person").should eq(1) end # end # describe "nested transactions" do it "nested transactions: can read inside transaction and rollback after" do |db| db.exec sql_create_table_person db.transaction do |tx_0| tx_0.connection.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(0) tx_0.connection.exec sql_insert_person, "John Doe", 10 tx_0.transaction do |tx_1| tx_1.connection.exec sql_insert_person, "Sarah", 11 tx_1.connection.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(2) tx_1.transaction do |tx_2| tx_2.connection.exec sql_insert_person, "Jimmy", 12 tx_2.connection.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(3) tx_2.rollback end end tx_0.connection.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(2) tx_0.rollback end db.scalar(sql_select_count_person).should eq(0) end # end end # :nodoc: def with_db(options = nil)"#{connection_string}#{"?#{options}" if options}") do |db| db.exec(sql_drop_table("table1")) db.exec(sql_drop_table("table2")) db.exec(sql_drop_table("person")) yield db end ensure end # :nodoc: def select_scalar(expression, sql_type), sql_type) end # :nodoc: def param(index) end # :nodoc: def encode_null @encode_null end # :nodoc: def sql_type_for(a_class) value = { |v| v.value.class == a_class }.first? if value value.sql_type else raise "missing sample_value with #{a_class}" end end # :nodoc: macro value_for(a_class) _value_for({{a_class}}).as({{a_class}}) end # :nodoc: def _value_for(a_class) value = { |v| v.value.class == a_class }.first? if value value.value else raise "missing sample_value with #{a_class}" end end # :nodoc: def col_name"name", sql_type_for(String), false) end # :nodoc: def col_age"age", sql_type_for(Int32), false) end # :nodoc: def sql_create_table_person"person", col_name, col_age) end # :nodoc: def sql_select_person"person", col_name, col_age) end # :nodoc: def sql_insert_person"person", col_name, param(1), col_age, param(2)) end # :nodoc: def sql_select_count_person"person") end # :nodoc: def col1(sql_type, *, null = false)"col1", sql_type, null) end # :nodoc: def col2(sql_type, *, null = false)"col2", sql_type, null) end # :nodoc: def sql_create_table_table1(col : ColumnDef)"table1", col) end # :nodoc: def sql_create_table_table2(col1 : ColumnDef, col2 : ColumnDef)"table2", col1, col2) end # :nodoc: def sql_insert_table1(col1 : ColumnDef, expression)"table1", col1, expression) end # :nodoc: def sql_insert_table2(col1 : ColumnDef, expr1, col2 : ColumnDef, expr2)"table2", col1, expr1, col2, expr2) end # :nodoc: def sql_select_table1(col : ColumnDef)"table1", col) end # :nodoc: def sql_select_table2(col : ColumnDef)"table2", col) end # :nodoc: def sql_drop_table(table_name) end def = "as a db") ctx = with ctx yield describe description do ctx.include_shared_specs ctx.its.each do |db_it| case db_it.prepared when :default it(db_it.description, db_it.file, db_it.line, db_it.end_line) do ctx.with_db do |db| db nil end end when :both values = [] of Bool values << true if ctx.support_prepared values << false if ctx.support_unprepared case values.size when 0 raise "Neither prepared non unprepared statements allowed" when 1 it(db_it.description, db_it.file, db_it.line, db_it.end_line) do ctx.with_db do |db| db nil end end else values.each do |prepared_statements| it("#{db_it.description} (prepared_statements=#{prepared_statements})", db_it.file, db_it.line, db_it.end_line) do ctx.with_db "prepared_statements=#{prepared_statements}" do |db| db nil end end end end else raise "Invalid prepared value. Allowed values are :both and :default" end end end end end end