require "./spec_helper" class ShouldSleepingOp @is_sleeping = false getter is_sleeping getter sleep_happened def initialize @sleep_happened = Channel(Nil).new end def should_sleep s = self @is_sleeping = true spawn do sleep 0.1 s.is_sleeping.should be_true s.sleep_happened.send(nil) end yield @is_sleeping = false end def wait_for_sleep @sleep_happened.receive end end class WaitFor def initialize @channel = Channel(Nil).new end def wait @channel.receive end def check @channel.send(nil) end end class Closable include DB::Disposable property before_checkout_called : Bool = false property after_release_called : Bool = false protected def do_close end def before_checkout @before_checkout_called = true end def after_release @after_release_called = true end end private def create_pool(**options, &factory : -> T) forall T**options), &factory) end describe DB::Pool do it "should use proc to create objects" do block_called = 0 pool = create_pool(initial_pool_size: 3) { block_called += 1; } block_called.should eq(3) end it "should get resource" do pool = create_pool { } resource = pool.checkout resource.should be_a Closable resource.before_checkout_called.should be_true end it "should be available if not checkedout" do resource = uninitialized Closable pool = create_pool(initial_pool_size: 1) { resource = } pool.is_available?(resource).should be_true end it "should not be available if checkedout" do pool = create_pool { } resource = pool.checkout pool.is_available?(resource).should be_false end it "should be available if returned" do pool = create_pool { } resource = pool.checkout resource.after_release_called.should be_false pool.release resource pool.is_available?(resource).should be_true resource.after_release_called.should be_true end it "should wait for available resource" do pool = create_pool(max_pool_size: 1, initial_pool_size: 1) { } b_cnn_request = wait_a = wait_b = spawn do a_cnn = pool.checkout b_cnn_request.wait_for_sleep pool.release a_cnn wait_a.check end spawn do b_cnn_request.should_sleep do pool.checkout end wait_b.check end wait_a.wait wait_b.wait end it "should create new if max was not reached" do block_called = 0 pool = create_pool(max_pool_size: 2, initial_pool_size: 1) { block_called += 1; } block_called.should eq 1 pool.checkout block_called.should eq 1 pool.checkout block_called.should eq 2 end it "should reuse returned resources" do all = [] of Closable pool = create_pool(max_pool_size: 2, initial_pool_size: 1) { { |c| all << c } } pool.checkout b1 = pool.checkout pool.release b1 b2 = pool.checkout b1.should eq b2 all.size.should eq 2 end it "should close available and total" do all = [] of Closable pool = create_pool(max_pool_size: 2, initial_pool_size: 1) { { |c| all << c } } a = pool.checkout b = pool.checkout pool.release b all.size.should eq 2 all[0].closed?.should be_false all[1].closed?.should be_false pool.close all[0].closed?.should be_true all[1].closed?.should be_true end it "should timeout" do pool = create_pool(max_pool_size: 1, checkout_timeout: 0.1) { } pool.checkout expect_raises DB::PoolTimeout do pool.checkout end end it "should be able to release after a timeout" do pool = create_pool(max_pool_size: 1, checkout_timeout: 0.1) { } a = pool.checkout pool.checkout rescue nil pool.release a end it "should close if max idle amount is reached" do all = [] of Closable pool = create_pool(max_pool_size: 3, max_idle_pool_size: 1) { { |c| all << c } } pool.checkout pool.checkout pool.checkout all.size.should eq 3 all.any?(&.closed?).should be_false pool.release all[0] all.any?(&.closed?).should be_false pool.release all[1] all[0].closed?.should be_false all[1].closed?.should be_true all[2].closed?.should be_false end it "should not return closed resources to the pool" do pool = create_pool(max_pool_size: 1, max_idle_pool_size: 1) { } # pool size 1 should be reusing the one resource resource1 = pool.checkout pool.release resource1 resource2 = pool.checkout resource1.should eq resource2 # it should not return a closed resource to the pool resource2.close pool.release resource2 resource2 = pool.checkout resource1.should_not eq resource2 end it "should create resource after max_pool was reached if idle forced some close up" do all = [] of Closable pool = create_pool(max_pool_size: 3, max_idle_pool_size: 1) { { |c| all << c } } pool.checkout pool.checkout pool.checkout pool.release all[0] pool.release all[1] pool.checkout pool.checkout all.size.should eq 4 end end