81 lines
3.5 KiB

module Backtracer
class Configuration
private ADDR_FORMAT =
# Crystal method
# Examples:
# - `lib/foo/src/foo/ in '*Foo::Bar#_baz:Foo::Bam'`
# - `lib/foo/src/foo/ in '*Foo::Bar::bar_by_id<String>:Foo::Bam'`
# - `/usr/local/Cellar/crystal-lang/0.24.1/src/ in '*Fiber#run:(IO::FileDescriptor | Nil)'`
/^(?<file>[^:]+)(?:\:(?<line>\d+)(?:\:(?<col>\d+))?)? in '\*?(?<method>.*?)'(?: at #{ADDR_FORMAT})?$/,
# Crystal proc
# Examples:
# - `~procProc(Nil)@/usr/local/Cellar/crystal-lang/0.24.1/src/http/ at 0x102cee376`
# - `~procProc(HTTP::Server::Context, String)@lib/kemal/src/kemal/ at 0x102ce57db`
# - `~procProc(HTTP::Server::Context, (File::PReader | HTTP::ChunkedContent | HTTP::Server::Response | HTTP::Server::Response::Output | HTTP::UnknownLengthContent | HTTP::WebSocket::Protocol::StreamIO | IO::ARGF | IO::Delimited | IO::FileDescriptor | IO::Hexdump | IO::Memory | IO::MultiWriter | IO::Sized | Int32 | OpenSSL::SSL::Socket | String::Builder | Zip::ChecksumReader | Zip::ChecksumWriter | Zlib::Deflate | Zlib::Inflate | Nil))@src/foo/bar/`
/^(?<method>~[^@]+)@(?<file>[^:]+)(?:\:(?<line>\d+))(?: at #{ADDR_FORMAT})?$/,
# Crystal crash
# Examples:
# - `[0x1057a9fab] *CallStack::print_backtrace:Int32 +107`
# - `[0x105798aac] __crystal_sigfault_handler +60`
# - `[0x7fff9ca0652a] _sigtramp +26`
# - `[0x105cb35a1] GC_realloc +50`
# - `[0x1057870bb] __crystal_realloc +11`
# - `[0x1057d3ecc] *Pointer(UInt8)@Pointer(T)#realloc<Int32>:Pointer(UInt8) +28`
# - `[0x105965e03] *Foo::Bar#bar!:Nil +195`
# - `[0x10579f5c1] *naughty_bar:Nil +17`
# - `[0x10579f5a9] *naughty_foo:Nil +9`
# - `[0x10578706c] __crystal_main +2940`
# - `[0x105798128] main +40`
/^\[#{ADDR_FORMAT}\] \*?(?<method>.*?) \+\d+(?: \((?<times>\d+) times\))?$/,
# Crystal method (--no-debug)
# Examples:
# - `HTTP::Server#handle_client<IO+>:Nil`
# - `HTTP::Server::RequestProcessor#process<IO+, IO+, IO::FileDescriptor>:Nil`
# - `Kemal::WebSocketHandler@HTTP::Handler#call_next<HTTP::Server::Context>:(Bool | HTTP::Server::Context | IO+ | Int32 | Nil)`
# - `__crystal_main`
# Used in `#in_app_pattern`.
property src_path : String? = {{ Process::INITIAL_PWD }}
# Directories to be recognized as part of your app. e.g. if you
# have an `engines` dir at the root of your project, you may want
# to set this to something like `/(src|engines)/`
property app_dirs_pattern = /src/
# `Regex` pattern matched against `Backtrace::Line#file`.
property in_app_pattern : Regex { /^(#{src_path}\/)?(#{app_dirs_pattern})/ }
# Path pattern matching directories to be recognized as your app modules.
# Defaults to standard Shards setup (`lib/shard-name/...`).
property modules_path_pattern = /^lib\/(?<name>[^\/]+)\/(?:.+)/
# Number of lines of code context to capture, or `nil` for none.
property context_lines : Int32? = 5
getter(line_filters) {
->(line : String) { line unless line.matches?(IGNORED_LINES_PATTERN) },
] of String -> String?