2020-12-24 05:48:48 +00:00
require " ./spec_helper "
struct NegotiatorTest < NegotiatorTestCase
@negotiator : ANG :: Negotiator
def initialize
@negotiator = ANG :: Negotiator . new
def test_best_respects_quality : Nil
accept = @negotiator . best " text/html,text/*;q=0.7 " , { " text/html;q=0.5 " , " text/plain;q=0.9 " }
accept = accept . should_not be_nil
accept . should be_a ANG :: Accept
accept . media_range . should eq " text/plain "
def test_best_invalid_unstrict
@negotiator . best ( " /qwer " , { " foo/bar " } , false ) . should be_nil
def test_invalid_media_type : Nil
ex = expect_raises ANG :: Exceptions :: InvalidMediaType , " Invalid media type: '/qwer'. " do
@negotiator . best " foo/bar " , { " /qwer " }
ex . media_range . should eq " /qwer "
@[ DataProvider ( " best_data_provider " ) ]
def test_best ( header : String , priorities : Indexable ( String ) , expected : Tuple ( String , Hash ( String , String ) | Nil ) | Nil ) : Nil
accept_header = @negotiator . best header , priorities
rescue ex
ex . should eq expected
if accept_header . nil?
expected . should be_nil
accept_header . should be_a ANG :: Accept
expected = expected . should_not be_nil
accept_header . media_range . should eq expected [ 0 ]
2022-01-08 00:54:02 +00:00
accept_header . parameters . should eq ( expected [ 1 ] || Hash ( String , String ) . new )
2020-12-24 05:48:48 +00:00
def best_data_provider : Tuple
rfc_header = " text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5 "
php_pear_header = " text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,text/*;q=0.7,*/*,image/gif; q=0.8, image/jpeg; q=0.6, image/* "
{ " /qwer " , { " f/g " } , nil } ,
{ " text/html " , { " application/rss " } , nil } ,
{ rfc_header , { " text/html;q=0.4 " , " text/plain " } , { " text/plain " , nil } } ,
# See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html.
{ rfc_header , { " text/html;level=1 " } , { " text/html " , { " level " = > " 1 " } } } ,
{ rfc_header , { " text/html " } , { " text/html " , nil } } ,
{ rfc_header , { " image/jpeg " } , { " image/jpeg " , nil } } ,
{ rfc_header , { " text/html;level=2 " } , { " text/html " , { " level " = > " 2 " } } } ,
{ rfc_header , { " text/html;level=3 " } , { " text/html " , { " level " = > " 3 " } } } ,
{ " text/*;q=0.7, text/html;q=0.3, */*;q=0.5, image/png;q=0.4 " , { " text/html " , " image/png " } , { " image/png " , nil } } ,
{ " image/png;q=0.1, text/plain, audio/ogg;q=0.9 " , { " image/png " , " text/plain " , " audio/ogg " } , { " text/plain " , nil } } ,
{ " image/png, text/plain, audio/ogg " , { " baz/asdf " } , nil } ,
{ " image/png, text/plain, audio/ogg " , { " audio/ogg " } , { " audio/ogg " , nil } } ,
{ " image/png, text/plain, audio/ogg " , { " YO/SuP " } , nil } ,
{ " text/html; charset=UTF-8, application/pdf " , { " text/html; charset=UTF-8 " } , { " text/html " , { " charset " = > " UTF-8 " } } } ,
{ " text/html; charset=UTF-8, application/pdf " , { " text/html " } , nil } ,
{ " text/html, application/pdf " , { " text/html; charset=UTF-8 " } , { " text/html " , { " charset " = > " UTF-8 " } } } ,
# PHP"s PEAR HTTP2 assertions I took from the other lib.
{ php_pear_header , { " image/gif " , " image/png " , " application/xhtml+xml " , " application/xml " , " text/html " , " image/jpeg " , " text/plain " } , { " image/png " , nil } } ,
{ php_pear_header , { " image/gif " , " application/xhtml+xml " , " application/xml " , " image/jpeg " , " text/plain " } , { " application/xhtml+xml " , nil } } ,
{ php_pear_header , { " image/gif " , " application/xml " , " image/jpeg " , " text/plain " } , { " application/xml " , nil } } ,
{ php_pear_header , { " image/gif " , " image/jpeg " , " text/plain " } , { " image/gif " , nil } } ,
{ php_pear_header , { " text/plain " , " image/png " , " image/jpeg " } , { " image/png " , nil } } ,
{ php_pear_header , { " image/jpeg " , " image/gif " } , { " image/gif " , nil } } ,
{ php_pear_header , { " image/png " } , { " image/png " , nil } } ,
{ php_pear_header , { " audio/midi " } , { " audio/midi " , nil } } ,
{ " text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 " , { " application/rss+xml " } , { " application/rss+xml " , nil } } ,
2022-11-12 00:47:27 +00:00
# Case sensitivity
2020-12-24 05:48:48 +00:00
{ " text/* ; q=0.3, TEXT/html ;Q=0.7, text/html ; level=1, texT/Html ;leVel = 2 ;q=0.4, */* ; q=0.5 " , { " text/html; level=2 " } , { " text/html " , { " level " = > " 2 " } } } ,
{ " text/* ; q=0.3, text/html;Q=0.7, text/html ;level=1, text/html; level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5 " , { " text/HTML; level=3 " } , { " text/html " , { " level " = > " 3 " } } } ,
# IE8
{ " image/jpeg, application/x-ms-application, image/gif, application/xaml+xml, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, */* " , { " text/html " , " application/xhtml+xml " } , { " text/html " , nil } } ,
# wildcards with `+`
{ " application/vnd.api+json " , { " application/json " , " application/*+json " } , { " application/*+json " , nil } } ,
{ " application/json;q=0.7, application/*+json;q=0.7 " , { " application/hal+json " , " application/problem+json " } , { " application/hal+json " , nil } } ,
{ " application/json;q=0.7, application/problem+*;q=0.7 " , { " application/hal+xml " , " application/problem+xml " } , { " application/problem+xml " , nil } } ,
{ php_pear_header , { " application/*+xml " } , { " application/*+xml " , nil } } ,
{ " application/hal+json " , { " application/ld+json " , " application/hal+json " , " application/xml " , " text/xml " , " application/json " , " text/html " } , { " application/hal+json " , nil } } ,
def test_ordered_elements_exception_handling : Nil
expect_raises ArgumentError , " The header string should not be empty. " do
@negotiator . ordered_elements " "
@[ DataProvider ( " test_ordered_elements_data_provider " ) ]
def test_ordered_elements ( header : String , expected : Indexable ( String ) ) : Nil
elements = @negotiator . ordered_elements header
2020-12-24 06:07:51 +00:00
elements . should be_a Array ( ANG :: Accept )
2020-12-24 05:48:48 +00:00
expected . each_with_index do | element , idx |
elements [ idx ] . should be_a ANG :: Accept
element . should eq elements [ idx ] . header
def test_ordered_elements_data_provider : Tuple
{ " /qwer " , [ ] of String } , # Invalid
{ " text/html, text/xml " , { " text/html " , " text/xml " } } , # Ordered as given if no quality modifier
{ " text/html;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7 " , { " text/html;q=0.7 " , " text/html;q=0.3 " } } , # Ordered by quality modifier
{ " text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5 " , { " text/html;level=1 " , " text/html;q=0.7 " , " */*;q=0.5 " , " text/html;level=2;q=0.4 " , " text/*;q=0.3 " } } , # Ordered by quality modifier; one without wins