module Ameba::Rule::Lint # A rule that disallows some unwanted symbols in percent array literals. # # For example, this is usually written by mistake: # # ``` # %i(:one, :two) # %w("one", "two") # ``` # # And the expected example is: # # ``` # %i(one two) # %w(one two) # ``` # # YAML configuration example: # # ``` # Lint/PercentArrays: # Enabled: true # StringArrayUnwantedSymbols: ',"' # SymbolArrayUnwantedSymbols: ',:' # ``` struct PercentArrays < Base properties do description "Disallows some unwanted symbols in percent array literals" string_array_unwanted_symbols %(,") symbol_array_unwanted_symbols %(,:) end MSG = "Symbols `%s` may be unwanted in %s array literals" def test(source) issue = start_token = nil do |token| case token.type when :STRING_ARRAY_START, :SYMBOL_ARRAY_START start_token = token.dup when :STRING if start_token && issue.nil? issue = array_entry_invalid?(token.value, start_token.not_nil!.raw) end when :STRING_ARRAY_END, :SYMBOL_ARRAY_END if issue issue_for start_token.not_nil!, issue.not_nil! end issue = start_token = nil end end end private def array_entry_invalid?(entry, array_type) case array_type when .starts_with? "%w" check_array_entry entry, string_array_unwanted_symbols, "%w" when .starts_with? "%i" check_array_entry entry, symbol_array_unwanted_symbols, "%i" end end private def check_array_entry(entry, symbols, literal) MSG % {symbols, literal} if entry =~ /[#{symbols}]/ end end end