module Ameba::Rule::Naming # A rule that disallows boolean properties without the `?` suffix - defined # using `Object#(class_)property` or `Object#(class_)getter` macros. # # Favour this: # # ``` # class Person # property? deceased = false # getter? witty = true # end # ``` # # Over this: # # ``` # class Person # property deceased = false # getter witty = true # end # ``` # # YAML configuration example: # # ``` # Naming/QueryBoolMethods: # Enabled: true # ``` class QueryBoolMethods < Base include AST::Util properties do description "Reports boolean properties without the `?` suffix" end MSG = "Consider using '%s?' for '%s'" CALL_NAMES = %w[getter class_getter property class_property] def test(source, node : Crystal::ClassDef | Crystal::ModuleDef) calls = case body = node.body when Crystal::Call [body] if when Crystal::Expressions body.expressions .select(Crystal::Call) .select!(& end calls.try &.each do |exp| exp.args.each do |arg| name_node, is_bool = case arg when Crystal::Assign {, arg.value.is_a?(Crystal::BoolLiteral)} when Crystal::TypeDeclaration {arg.var, path_named?(arg.declared_type, "Bool")} else {nil, false} end if name_node && is_bool issue_for name_node, MSG % {, name_node} end end end end end end