module Ameba::Rule::Style # This rule is used to identify usage of single expression blocks with # argument as a receiver, that can be collapsed into a short form. # # For example, this is considered invalid: # # ``` # (1..3).any? { |i| i.odd? } # ``` # # And it should be written as this: # # ``` # (1..3).any?(&.odd?) # ``` # # YAML configuration example: # # ``` # Style/VerboseBlock: # Enabled: true # ExcludeMultipleLineBlocks: true # ExcludeCallsWithBlocks: false # ExcludeOperators: false # ExcludeSetters: false # MaxLineLength: ~ # MaxLength: 50 # use ~ to disable # ``` class VerboseBlock < Base properties do description "Identifies usage of collapsible single expression blocks." exclude_calls_with_block true exclude_multiple_line_blocks false exclude_operators false exclude_setters false max_line_length : Int32? = nil # 100 max_length : Int32? = 50 end MSG = "Use short block notation instead: `%s`" CALL_PATTERN = "%s(%s&.%s)" protected def same_location_lines?(a, b) return unless a_location = a.name_location return unless b_location = b.location a_location.line_number == b_location.line_number end private OPERATOR_CHARS = {'[', ']', '!', '=', '>', '<', '~', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^', '|', '&'} protected def operator?(name) name.each_char do |char| return false unless end !name.empty? end protected def setter?(name) !name.empty? && name[0].letter? && name.ends_with?('=') end protected def valid_length?(code) if max_length = self.max_length return code.size <= max_length end true end protected def valid_line_length?(node, code) if max_line_length = self.max_line_length if location = node.name_location final_line_length = location.column_number + code.size return final_line_length <= max_line_length end end true end protected def reference_count(node, obj : Crystal::Var) i = 0 case node when Crystal::Call i += reference_count(node.obj, obj) i += reference_count(node.block, obj) node.args.each do |arg| i += reference_count(arg, obj) end node.named_args.try &.each do |arg| i += reference_count(arg.value, obj) end when Crystal::Block i += reference_count(node.body, obj) when Crystal::Var i += 1 if node == obj end i end protected def node_to_s(node : Crystal::Call) case name = when "[]" name = "[#{node.args.join ", "}]" when "[]?" name = "[#{node.args.join ", "}]?" when "[]=" unless node.args.empty? name = "[#{node.args[..-2].join ", "}]=(#{node.args.last})" end else name += "(#{node.args.join ", "})" unless node.args.empty? name += " {...}" if node.block end name end protected def call_code(call, body) args = call.args.join ", " unless call.args.empty? args += ", " if args call_chain = %w[].tap do |arr| obj = body.obj while obj.is_a?(Crystal::Call) arr << node_to_s(obj) obj = obj.obj end arr.reverse! arr << node_to_s(body) end name = call_chain.join('.') CALL_PATTERN % {, args, name} end protected def issue_for_valid(source, call : Crystal::Call, body : Crystal::Call) return if exclude_calls_with_block && body.block return if exclude_multiple_line_blocks && !same_location_lines?(call, body) return if exclude_operators && operator?( return if exclude_setters && setter?( call_code = call_code(call, body) return unless valid_line_length?(call, call_code) return unless valid_length?(call_code) issue_for call.name_location, call.end_location, MSG % call_code end def test(source, node : Crystal::Call) # we are interested only in calls with block taking a single argument # # ``` # (1..3).any? { |i| i.to_i64.odd? } # ^--- ^ ^------------ # block arg body # ``` return unless (block = node.block) && block.args.size == 1 arg = block.args.first # we skip auto-generated blocks - `(1..3).any?(&.odd?)` return if"__arg") # we filter out the blocks that are of call type - `i.to_i64.odd?` return unless (body = block.body).is_a?(Crystal::Call) # we need to "unwind" the chain challs, so the final receiver object # ends up being a variable - `i` obj = body.obj while obj.is_a?(Crystal::Call) obj = obj.obj end return unless obj.is_a?(Crystal::Var) # only calls with a first argument used as a receiver are the valid game return unless obj == arg # we bail out if the block node include the block argument return if reference_count(body, arg) > 1 # add issue if the given nodes pass all of the checks issue_for_valid source, node, body end end end