module Ameba::Rule # List of names of the special rules, which # behave differently than usual rules. SPECIAL = [ Lint::Syntax.rule_name, Lint::UnneededDisableDirective.rule_name, ] # Represents a base of all rules. In other words, all rules # inherits from this struct: # # ``` # struct MyRule < Ameba::Rule::Base # def test(source) # if invalid?(source) # issue_for line, column, "Something wrong." # end # end # # private def invalid?(source) # # ... # end # end # ``` # # Enforces rules to implement an abstract `#test` method which # is designed to test the source passed in. If source has issues # that are tested by this rule, it should add an issue. abstract struct Base include Config::RuleConfig # This method is designed to test the source passed in. If source has issues # that are tested by this rule, it should add an issue. # # Be default it uses a node visitor to traverse all the nodes in the source. # Must be overriten for other type of rules. def test(source : Source) self, source end def test(source : Source, node : Crystal::ASTNode, *opts) # can't be abstract end # A convenient addition to `#test` method that does the same # but returns a passed in `source` as an addition. # # ``` # source = # source.valid? # ``` def catch(source : Source) source.tap { test source } end # Returns a name of this rule, which is basically a class name. # # ``` # struct MyRule < Ameba::Rule::Base # def test(source) # end # end # # # => "MyRule" # ``` def name {{@type}}.rule_name end # Returns a group this rule belong to. # # ``` # struct MyGroup::MyRule < Ameba::Rule::Base # # ... # end # # # => "MyGroup" # ``` def group {{@type}}.group_name end # Checks whether the source is excluded from this rule. # It searches for a path in `excluded` property which matches # the one of the given source. # # ``` # my_rule.excluded?(source) # => true or false # ``` def excluded?(source) excluded.try &.any? do |path| source.matches_path?(path) || Dir.glob(path).any? { |glob| source.matches_path?(glob) } end end # Returns true if this rule is special and behaves differently than # usual rules. # # ``` # my_rule.special? # => true or false # ``` def special? end def ==(other) name == other.try(&.name) end def hash name.hash end macro issue_for(*args) source.add_issue self, {{*args}} end protected def self.rule_name name.gsub("Ameba::Rule::", "").gsub("::", '/') end protected def self.group_name rule_name.split('/')[0...-1].join('/') end protected def self.subclasses {{ @type.subclasses }} end macro inherited protected def self.path_to_source_file __FILE__ end end # Returns documentation for this rule if any. # # ``` # module Ameba # # This is a test rule. # # Does nothing. # struct MyRule < Ameba::Rule::Base # def test(source) # end # end # end # # MyRule.parsed_doc # => "This is a test rule.\nDoes nothing." # ``` def self.parsed_doc source = nodes = .tap(&.wants_doc = true) .parse type_name = rule_name.split('/').last?, type_name).doc end # :nodoc: private class DocFinder < Crystal::Visitor getter doc : String? getter type_name : String? def initialize(nodes, @type_name) self.accept(nodes) end def visit(node : Crystal::ASTNode) return false if @doc if node.responds_to?(:name) && (name = && name.is_a?(Crystal::Path) && name.names.last? == @type_name @doc = node.doc end true end end end # Returns a list of all available rules. # # ``` # Ameba::Rule.rules # => [Rule1, Rule2, ....] # ``` def self.rules Base.subclasses end end