module Ameba # Represents a runner for inspecting sources files. # Holds a list of rules to do inspection based on, # list of sources to run inspection on and a formatter # to prepare a report. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # runner = config # # => true or false # ``` class Runner # An error indicating that the inspection loop got stuck correcting # issues back and forth. class InfiniteCorrectionLoopError < RuntimeError def initialize(path, issues_by_iteration, loop_start = -1) root_cause = issues_by_iteration[loop_start..-1] .join(" -> ", &.map(&!.join(", ")) message = do |io| io << "Infinite loop" io << " in " << path unless path.empty? io << " caused by " << root_cause end super message end end # A list of rules to do inspection based on. @rules : Array(Rule::Base) # A list of sources to run inspection on. getter sources : Array(Source) # A level of severity to be reported. @severity : Severity # A formatter to prepare report. @formatter : Formatter::BaseFormatter # A syntax rule which always inspects a source first @syntax_rule = # Checks for unneeded disable directives. Always inspects a source last @unneeded_disable_directive_rule : Rule::Base? # Returns `true` if correctable issues should be autocorrected. private getter? autocorrect : Bool # Instantiates a runner using a `config`. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # config.files = files # config.formatter = formatter # # config # ``` def initialize(config : Config) @sources = config.sources @formatter = config.formatter @severity = config.severity @rules =!(&.special?) @autocorrect = config.autocorrect? @unneeded_disable_directive_rule = config.rules .find &.class.==(Rule::Lint::UnneededDisableDirective) end protected def initialize(@rules, @sources, @formatter, @severity, @autocorrect = false) end # Performs the inspection. Iterates through all sources and test it using # list of rules. If a specific rule fails on a specific source, it adds # an issue to that source. # # This action also notifies formatter when inspection is started/finished, # and when a specific source started/finished to be inspected. # # ``` # runner = config # # => returns runner again # ``` def run @formatter.started @sources channels = { Channel(Exception?).new } do |source, channel| spawn do run_source(source) rescue e channel.send(e) else channel.send(nil) end end channels.each do |chan| chan.receive.try { |e| raise e } end self ensure @formatter.finished @sources end private def run_source(source) @formatter.source_started source # This variable is a 2D array used to track corrected issues after each # inspection iteration. This is used to output meaningful infinite loop # error message. corrected_issues = [] of Array(Issue) # When running with --fix, we need to inspect the source until no more # corrections are made (because automatic corrections can introduce new # issues). In the normal case the loop is only executed once. loop_unless_infinite(source, corrected_issues) do # We have to reprocess the source to pick up any changes. Since a # change could (theoretically) introduce syntax errors, we break the # loop if we find any. @syntax_rule.test(source) break unless source.valid? @rules.each do |rule| next if rule.excluded?(source) rule.test(source) end check_unneeded_directives(source) break unless autocorrect? && source.correct? # The issues that couldn't be corrected will be found again so we # only keep the corrected ones in order to avoid duplicate reporting. corrected_issues << source.issues.clear end corrected_issues.flatten.reverse_each do |issue| source.issues.unshift(issue) end File.write(source.path, source.code) unless corrected_issues.empty? ensure @formatter.source_finished source end # Explains an issue at a specified *location*. # # Runner should perform inspection before doing the explain. # This is necessary to be able to find the issue at a specified location. # # ``` # runner = config # # runner.explain({file: file, line: l, column: c}) # ``` def explain(location, output = STDOUT), location).finished @sources end # Indicates whether the last inspection successful or not. # It returns `true` if no issues matching severity in sources found, `false` otherwise. # # ``` # runner = config # # runner.success? # => true or false # ``` def success? @sources.all? do |source| source.issues .reject(&.disabled?) .none?(&.rule.severity.<=(@severity)) end end private MAX_ITERATIONS = 200 private def loop_unless_infinite(source, corrected_issues, &) # Keep track of the state of the source. If a rule modifies the source # and another rule undoes it producing identical source we have an # infinite loop. processed_sources = [] of UInt64 # It is possible for a rule to keep adding indefinitely to a file, # making it bigger and bigger. If the inspection loop runs for an # excessively high number of iterations, this is likely happening. iterations = 0 loop do check_for_infinite_loop(source, corrected_issues, processed_sources) if (iterations += 1) > MAX_ITERATIONS raise, corrected_issues) end yield end end # Check whether a run created source identical to a previous run, which # means that we definitely have an infinite loop. private def check_for_infinite_loop(source, corrected_issues, processed_sources) checksum = source.code.hash if loop_start = processed_sources.index(checksum) raise source.path, corrected_issues, loop_start: loop_start ) end processed_sources << checksum end private def check_unneeded_directives(source) return unless rule = @unneeded_disable_directive_rule return unless rule.enabled? rule.test(source) end end end