require "yaml" require "./glob_utils" # A configuration entry for `Ameba::Runner`. # # Config can be loaded from configuration YAML file and adjusted. # # ``` # config = Config.load # config.formatter = my_formatter # ``` # # By default config loads `.ameba.yml` file in a current directory. # class Ameba::Config include GlobUtils AVAILABLE_FORMATTERS = { progress: Formatter::DotFormatter, todo: Formatter::TODOFormatter, flycheck: Formatter::FlycheckFormatter, silent: Formatter::BaseFormatter, disabled: Formatter::DisabledFormatter, json: Formatter::JSONFormatter, } PATH = ".ameba.yml" DEFAULT_GLOBS = %w( **/*.cr !lib ) getter rules : Array(Rule::Base) property severity = Severity::Convention # Returns a list of paths (with wildcards) to files. # Represents a list of sources to be inspected. # If globs are not set, it will return default list of files. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # config.globs = ["**/*.cr"] # config.globs # ``` property globs : Array(String) # Represents a list of paths to exclude from globs. # Can have wildcards. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # config.excluded = ["spec", "src/server/*.cr"] # ``` property excluded : Array(String) # Returns `true` if correctable issues should be autocorrected. property? autocorrect = false @rule_groups : Hash(String, Array(Rule::Base)) # Creates a new instance of `Ameba::Config` based on YAML parameters. # # `Config.load` uses this constructor to instantiate new config by YAML file. protected def initialize(config : YAML::Any) @rules = &.new(config).as(Rule::Base) @rule_groups = @rules.group_by &.group @excluded = load_array_section(config, "Excluded") @globs = load_array_section(config, "Globs", DEFAULT_GLOBS) return unless formatter_name = load_formatter_name(config) self.formatter = formatter_name end # Loads YAML configuration file by `path`. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # ``` def self.load(path = PATH, colors = true) Colorize.enabled = colors content = File.exists?(path) ? path : "{}" YAML.parse(content) rescue e raise "Config file is invalid: #{e.message}" end def self.formatter_names AVAILABLE_FORMATTERS.keys.join('|') end # Returns a list of sources matching globs and excluded sections. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # config.sources # => list of default sources # config.globs = ["**/*.cr"] # config.excluded = ["spec"] # config.sources # => list of sources pointing to files found by the wildcards # ``` def sources (find_files_by_globs(globs) - find_files_by_globs(excluded)) .map { |path|, path } end # Returns a formatter to be used while inspecting files. # If formatter is not set, it will return default formatter. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # config.formatter = custom_formatter # config.formatter # ``` property formatter : Formatter::BaseFormatter do end # Sets formatter by name. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # config.formatter = :progress # ``` def formatter=(name : String | Symbol) unless formatter = AVAILABLE_FORMATTERS[name]? raise "Unknown formatter `#{name}`. Use one of #{Config.formatter_names}." end @formatter = end # Updates rule properties. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # config.update_rule "MyRuleName", enabled: false # ``` def update_rule(name, enabled = true, excluded = nil) rule = @rules.find(&.name.==(name)) raise"Rule `#{name}` does not exist") unless rule rule .tap(&.enabled = enabled) .tap(&.excluded = excluded) end # Updates rules properties. # # ``` # config = Ameba::Config.load # config.update_rules %w(Rule1 Rule2), enabled: true # ``` # # also it allows to update groups of rules: # # ``` # config.update_rules %w(Group1 Group2), enabled: true # ``` def update_rules(names, enabled = true, excluded = nil) names.try &.each do |name| if rules = @rule_groups[name]? rules.each do |rule| rule.enabled = enabled rule.excluded = excluded end else update_rule name, enabled, excluded end end end private def load_formatter_name(config) name = config["Formatter"]?.try &.["Name"]? name.try(&.to_s) end private def load_array_section(config, section_name, default = [] of String) case value = config[section_name]? when .nil? then default when .as_s? then [value.to_s] when .as_a? then else raise "Incorrect '#{section_name}' section in a config files" end end # :nodoc: module RuleConfig macro properties(&block) {% definitions = [] of NamedTuple %} {% if block.body.is_a? Assign %} {% definitions << {var:, value: block.body.value} %} {% elsif block.body.is_a? Call %} {% definitions << {var:, value: block.body.args.first} %} {% elsif block.body.is_a? TypeDeclaration %} {% definitions << {var: block.body.var, value: block.body.value, type: block.body.type} %} {% elsif block.body.is_a? Expressions %} {% for prop in block.body.expressions %} {% if prop.is_a? Assign %} {% definitions << {var:, value: prop.value} %} {% elsif prop.is_a? Call %} {% definitions << {var:, value: prop.args.first} %} {% elsif prop.is_a? TypeDeclaration %} {% definitions << {var: prop.var, value: prop.value, type: prop.type} %} {% end %} {% end %} {% end %} {% properties = {} of MacroId => NamedTuple %} {% for df in definitions %} {% name = df[:var].id %} {% key = name.camelcase.stringify %} {% value = df[:value] %} {% type = df[:type] %} {% converter = nil %} {% if key == "Severity" %} {% type = Severity %} {% converter = SeverityYamlConverter %} {% end %} {% if type == nil %} {% if value.is_a? BoolLiteral %} {% type = Bool %} {% elsif value.is_a? StringLiteral %} {% type = String %} {% elsif value.is_a? NumberLiteral %} {% if value.kind == :i32 %} {% type = Int32 %} {% elsif value.kind == :i64 %} {% type = Int64 %} {% elsif value.kind == :f32 %} {% type = Float32 %} {% elsif value.kind == :f64 %} {% type = Float64 %} {% end %} {% end %} {% type = Nil if type == nil %} {% end %} {% properties[name] = {key: key, default: value, type: type, converter: converter} %} @[YAML::Field(key: {{ key }}, converter: {{ converter }}, type: {{ type }})] {% if type == Bool %} property? {{ name }} : {{ type }} = {{ value }} {% else %} property {{ name }} : {{ type }} = {{ value }} {% end %} {% end %} {% unless properties["enabled".id] %} @[YAML::Field(key: "Enabled")] property? enabled = true {% end %} {% unless properties["severity".id] %} @[YAML::Field(key: "Severity", converter: Ameba::SeverityYamlConverter)] property severity = {{ @type }}.default_severity {% end %} {% unless properties["excluded".id] %} @[YAML::Field(key: "Excluded")] property excluded : Array(String)? {% end %} end macro included GROUP_SEVERITY = { Lint: Ameba::Severity::Warning, Metrics: Ameba::Severity::Warning, Performance: Ameba::Severity::Warning, } class_getter default_severity : Ameba::Severity do GROUP_SEVERITY[group_name]? || Ameba::Severity::Convention end macro inherited include YAML::Serializable include YAML::Serializable::Strict def = nil) if (raw = config.try &.raw).is_a?(Hash) yaml = raw[rule_name]?.try &.to_yaml end from_yaml yaml || "{}" end end end end end