module Ameba::Rule::Naming # A rule that reports non-descriptive block parameter names. # # Favour this: # # ``` # tokens.each { |token| token.last_accessed_at = Time.utc } # ``` # # Over this: # # ``` # tokens.each { |t| t.last_accessed_at = Time.utc } # ``` # # YAML configuration example: # # ``` # Naming/BlockParameterName: # Enabled: true # MinNameLength: 3 # AllowNamesEndingInNumbers: true # AllowedNames: [_, e, i, j, k, v, x, y, ex, io, ws, tx, id, k1, k2, v1, v2] # ForbiddenNames: [] # ``` class BlockParameterName < Base properties do description "Disallows non-descriptive block parameter names" min_name_length 3 allow_names_ending_in_numbers true allowed_names %w[_ e i j k v x y ex io ws tx id k1 k2 v1 v2] forbidden_names %w[] end MSG = "Disallowed block parameter name found" def test(source, node : Crystal::Call) node.try(&.block).try(&.args).try &.each do |arg| issue_for arg, MSG unless valid_name?( end end private def valid_name?(name) return true if name.blank? # happens with compound names like `(arg1, arg2)` return true if return false if return false if name.size < min_name_length return false if name[-1].ascii_number? && !allow_names_ending_in_numbers? true end end end