module Ameba::Rule::Naming # A rule that enforces method names to be in underscored case. # # For example, these are considered valid: # # ``` # class Person # def first_name # end # # def date_of_birth # end # # def homepage_url # end # end # ``` # # And these are invalid method names: # # ``` # class Person # def firstName # end # # def date_of_Birth # end # # def homepageURL # end # end # ``` # # YAML configuration example: # # ``` # Naming/MethodNames: # Enabled: true # ``` class MethodNames < Base properties do description "Enforces method names to be in underscored case" end MSG = "Method name should be underscore-cased: %s, not %s" def test(source, node : Crystal::Def) return if (expected = == issue_for node, MSG % {expected,}, prefer_name_location: true end end end