require "../../../spec_helper" module Ameba subject = private def it_transforms(number, expected) it "transforms large number #{number}" do s = number be_valid s.issues.first.message.should contain expected end end describe Rule::Style::LargeNumbers do it "passes if large number does not require underscore" do s = %q( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 999 1000 1_000 9999 9_999 10_000 100_000 200_000 300_000 400_000 500_000 600_000 700_000 800_000 900_000 1_000_000 -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 9_223_372_036_854_775_807 141_592_654 141_592_654.0 141_592_654.001 141_592_654.001_2 141_592_654.001_23 141_592_654.001_234 141_592_654.001_234_5 0b1101 0o123 0xFE012D 0xfe012d 0xfe012dd11 1_i8 12_i16 123_i32 1_234_i64 12_u8 123_u16 1_234_u32 9_223_372_036_854_775_808_u64 9_223_372_036_854_775_808.000_123_456_789_f64 +100_u32 -900_000_i32 1_234.5e-7 11_234e10_f32 +1.123 -0.000_5 1200.0 1200.01 1200.012 ) subject.catch(s).should be_valid end it_transforms "10000", "10_000" it_transforms "+10000", "+10_000" it_transforms "-10000", "-10_000" it_transforms "9223372036854775808", "9_223_372_036_854_775_808" it_transforms "-9223372036854775808", "-9_223_372_036_854_775_808" it_transforms "+9223372036854775808", "+9_223_372_036_854_775_808" it_transforms "1_00000", "100_000" it_transforms "10000_i16", "10_000_i16" it_transforms "10000_i32", "10_000_i32" it_transforms "10000_i64", "10_000_i64" it_transforms "10000_u16", "10_000_u16" it_transforms "10000_u32", "10_000_u32" it_transforms "10000_u64", "10_000_u64" it_transforms "123456_f32", "123_456_f32" it_transforms "123456_f64", "123_456_f64" it_transforms "123456.5e-7_f32", "123_456.5e-7_f32" it_transforms "123456e10_f64", "123_456e10_f64" it_transforms "123456.5e-7", "123_456.5e-7" it_transforms "123456e10", "123_456e10" it_transforms "3.00_1", "3.001" it_transforms "3.0012", "3.001_2" it_transforms "3.00123", "3.001_23" it_transforms "3.001234", "3.001_234" it_transforms "3.0012345", "3.001_234_5" it "reports rule, pos and message" do s = %q( 1200000 ), "" subject.catch(s).should_not be_valid issue = s.issues.first issue.rule.should_not be_nil issue.location.to_s.should eq "" issue.end_location.should be_nil issue.message.should match /1_200_000/ end context "properties" do it "allows to configure integer min digits" do s = %q(1200000) rule = rule.int_min_digits = 10 rule.catch(s).should be_valid end end end end